
VT Artsalon 非常廟藝文空間

【全新的你】 黃華真個展

  • 展期

    日期:2014-11-08 ~ 2014-12-06

  • 地點

    VT Artsalon 非常廟藝文空間 (台北市新生北路三段56巷17號B1)

  • 黃華真,1986年出生,在台北生活的高雄人,臺北藝術大學美術創作碩士班畢業,期間曾赴芬蘭美術學院進修。在歐洲生活的這大半年,成為她創作精神上的轉戾點:「2013年超過一半的時間在歐洲度過,大部份的時間在芬蘭。那段日子一直在我心中,也為我的生活及作品帶來許多改變。……我帶著更加認識的自己和這些美好回家想與你們分享,在作品,在話語中。」在這之後,開始發展不同於以往的繪畫風格,以及尋找透過不同媒材的敘事手法。作品曾經在台灣、雪梨、首爾、巴黎、芬蘭、紐約等地參與聯展或個展的展出。

    11月8日至12月6日,為期一個月的個展將在VT Artsalon非常廟藝文空間展出,最新的作品以非常感性的筆觸描繪人與人之間的情感和內心風景。黃華真一直以來將目光聚焦在與「人」有關的各種關係,過去作品探討的對象多半在各種分類的關係本質。直到離開家鄉島國後,才開始注意及瞭解到環境、氣候對人的影響。這個影響關乎情緒、感官認知、甚至是歸屬感。得以明白,我們是如何渺小又是如何地倍受恩典,值得這美麗的世界;也才開始明白陽光、綠意與微笑是我們與生俱來的珍貴禮物。

    這次展出的作品形式包括繪畫、雕塑裝置、錄像,是藝術家首次以各種多樣手法組織的個人展覽。部分展出作品於芬蘭完成,並將播出與芬蘭藝術家Antti Kytömäki及台灣作曲家謝佳恩(Chia-En Hsieh)合作的影片。

    Huang Hua-Chen, born in 1986 in Kaohsiung, lives in Taipei, graduated from Taipei National University of Arts, with Masters degree in Fine Arts. In 2013 she studied in the Finnish Academy of Fine Arts for over half a year. These six months of living in Europe become a turning point in her creative inspiration: "In 2013 more than half of the year was spent in Europe, most of those days in Finland. Those times has been in my heart, but also for me brought upon many changes in life and my works...... I become more aware of myself and want to bring these feelings back home to share with you, in the works, in the discourse." after this, she began to develop from her previous style of painting, and to find methods of storytelling through various different media. The works on display have also been exhibited in Taiwan, Sydney, Seoul, Paris, Finland, New York and other places.

    From November 8 to December 6, a month-long exhibition in VT Artsalon, features Huang’s latest works containing sensual strokes that depict emotions and the inner landscape within people. In the past Huang has been focusing her attention on the "people" and their relationships, where she often explore the role of objects in the nature of relationships and their qualities. After leaving the island country where she calls home, Huang began to pay attention and understand the environment, the impact of climate on people. This effect relates to the emotional, sensory perception, and even a sense of belonging. To understand how small we are and how to much grace we have received for this beautiful world; only then we begin to understand the sun, greenery and a smile are all precious gifts we are born with.

    The exhibition includes new works in the form of paintings, sculpture installations and video work. This is the first time where Huang uses a variety of diverse practices in a solo exhibition. Part of the exhibited works are completed in Finland, and in the exhibition will be screening a video work created in collaboration with Finnish artist Antti Kytömäki and Taiwan composer Chia-En Hsieh.

VT Artsalon 非常廟藝文空間全新的你黃華真個展


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日期:2019-08-17 ~ 2019-11-03|台灣,台北市