
  • 展期

    日期:2010-05-15 ~ 2010-06-20

  • 地點

    耿畫廊(敦南) 台北市敦化南路一段252巷11號

  • 點選影片右下角,可放大全螢幕播放


    In today’s art world of diversified styles, the innovative experiments in Peng Wei’s water and ink paintings possess traditional symbolism and contemporary personality. A traditional garment and a pair of embroidered shoes, the water and ink are traditional, but the aura is contemporary and transpires feminine delicacy, which combines the old and the new. In recent years, Peng Wei has extended her painting explorations to 3-dimensional context, and produced series of painting installations, which leaped out of the conventional material forms and successfully transformed traditional Chinese paintings through de-materialization, alienation, and modernization. The technique and charm of traditional Chinese water and ink paintings are brought out of flat context, from paper into multi-dimensional space; although departing from the flat context, the paintings are yet still thoroughly of water and ink.
