

【「存在與虛無—陳承衛個展 」 】Being and Nothingness --The

  • 展期

    日期:2017-06-17 ~ 2017-08-06

  • 地點

    采泥藝術 Chini Gallery

  • 參展藝術家


  • 存在與虛無—陳承衛個展
    Being and Nothingness --The Solo Exhibition of CHEN Cheng-Wei

    開幕:6.24(六) 15:00 *藝術家陳承衛將出席開幕
    地點:采泥藝術 Chini Gallery

    「(關於藝術)表現形式和當代性都很重要,當下發生,當下存在。...我不希望我的步伐太快而遺漏很多美好,我想保留自己生活裡的那種平衡、純淨、高貴和神秘,然後拼命的記錄下它,我必須要與這個虛無的世界有個對話。」 — 藝術家 陳承衛

    陳承衛,1984年出生於中國浙江,中國當代青年寫實油畫家的代表人物,美國肖像畫協會會員,現今生活、創作於北京。作品效法荷蘭畫家林布蘭特等西方油畫藝術家,注重光線運用,以傳統的經典油畫技法,透過個人對於時代的感知,貼切地以戲劇性的方式來演繹,以一種真實與虛幻之間的距離感影射現代人各種心情與處境,賦予人們一種美的享受,一種追憶的美好。本次於「采泥藝術」舉辦的「存在與虛無」個展,藝術家以近年來的新作闡釋愛情在得失之間的虛幻與不可捉摸。展覽同名作品〈存在與虛無〉即是藝術家對於感情觀點的寫照,若有似無,看似真實卻又如幻境般的撲朔迷離。本展亦展出藝術家著名的「大民國」系列,如:〈遙夢幽蘭〉(Orchid in Dream)、〈信仰的指向〉(Pointing to the Belief)等作品表現陳承衛如何以精湛的光線及人物肢體表現方式,展現如戲劇般的視覺張力與神祕性。〈天意〉(Heavenly Will)、〈紅娘〉(Matchmaker)等作品則是藝術家以借景抒情的詩意手法影射對於愛情與婚姻的真實感懷。陳承衛精湛的畫藝將寫實主義與古典主義風格恰如其分的融合,一方面開括傳統寫實油畫的新創作表現形式,同時也以古喻今轉喻關於愛情與生活的抒懷,生活存在的現實性時而令人感到虛無,藝術刻畫的幻境則是一個可以隱身的片刻,期望與美好而得以有著延伸,無論是愛情,亦或是人生。

    「2016 陳承衛個人油畫作品展」,溫州展覽館,浙江,中國
    「風骨—中國當代青年寫實油畫藝術展」, 北京山水美術館,北京,中國
    「北京—北京 中國當代青年寫實油畫名家作品邀請展」, 愛慕美術館,中國
    「『虛實』當代寫實油畫藝術展」 ,北京,中國
    「雅昌藝術家聯展」 ,時代美術館,北京,中國
    「重要的不是年代—寫實油畫展」 ,鳳凰藝都美術館,江蘇,中國

    「逆 • 返—中國當代青年油畫家邀請展」,博寶美術館,北京,中國
    「東方好畫家 • 新銳作品提名展」,視覺經典美術館,北京,中國
    「經典與傳承—全國中青年寫實繪畫名家作品邀請展 」,寧波美術館,浙江,中國

    「正—反 當代油畫精品邀請展」,長安街1號藝術空間,北京 ,中國

    「春 • 綻放—博寶藝術網第二屆青年油畫家聯展」, 國粹苑美術館,北京,中國
    「時代觀照—AAC藝術中國年度影響力六地巡迴展」,武漢美術館,武漢 ; 關山月美術館,深圳; 天朗美術館,西安 ; 文軒美術館,成都; 香山美術館,上海; 今日美術館,北京,中國
    「2013 璀璨藝術」,全國農業展覽館,北京,中國
    「幻—留存: 中國當代青年寫實油畫代表十人展」,北京美麗道國際藝術中心,北京,中國

    「第五屆 中國國際青年藝術週」,時代美術館,北京,中國
    「觀感 • 感觀—青年寫實藝術家邀請展」,先聲畫廊,北京,中國
    「理想國—當代油畫展」,馬奈草地美術館, 北京,中國

    「新古典精神—筆尖的修行」,蘭會所 ,北京,中國
    「 第三屆報喜鳥新銳藝術人物視覺藝術大獎」

    「藝術北京經典藝術博覽會」, 全國農業展覽館,北京,中國

    「浙江省第十二屆美術作品展」銅獎, 浙江美術館,浙江,中國 
    「第十一屆全國美術作品展覽油畫作品展」, 湖北省藝術館,湖北,中國   



    「全國畢業生作品提名展」 銅獎,今日美術館,北京,中國
    「中國美術學院畢業創作最高獎—學院獎」, 中國美術學院展覽館,浙江,中國

    Being and Nothingness --The Solo Exhibition of CHEN Cheng-Wei

    Opening: 6.24(Sat.) 15:00
    Venue: Chini Gallery

    [Regarding art], both the form of expression and contemporaneity are important. What happens presently exits in the moment. ... I do not hope to miss many beautiful things simply because the pace of life is too fast. I only want to keep that sense of balance, purity, nobleness, and mysteriousness in my life, and try my best to document it. I feel that I must create a dialogue with this world of nothingness.

    — CHEN Cheng-Wei

    CHEN Cheng-Wei was born in Zhejiang Province, China in 1984. A representative young painter of Chinese contemporary oil painting as well as a member of the Portrait Society of America, Chen now lives and works in Beijing. Following the example of Western classical oil painters, such as the Dutch oil master Rembrandt, Chen places an emphasis on the use of light. Through classical oil techniques and his personal sensibility and perception of our time, he precisely and dramatically interprets modern people's emotions and situations through a lens that integrates reality and illusion, offering his audience an aesthetic experience and a kind of nostalgic beauty. In Being and Nothingness, a new solo exhibition at Chini Gallery, the artist elaborates on the elusiveness and subtleness of romantic love through his recent paintings. On view in the exhibition, a painting sharing the exhibition title is a visual depiction of the artist's view on relationship, which portrays love's elusive existence posited between reality and fantasy. The exhibition also showcases Chen's famous The Republic of China series, including works like Orchid in Dream and Pointing to the Belief that demonstrate the artist's excellent manipulation of light, physical forms, and gestures to visualize dramatic tension and a sense of mystery. Other works like Heavenly Will and Matchmaker reveal how the artist uses visual scenes to poetically express his true feelings about relationship and marriage. Chen's outstanding artistry shows his precisely balanced integration of realism and the classical style. He expands the expression and form of traditional realistic oil painting in an innovative way while employing traditional and historic elements as metaphors to voice his reflections on love and life. The reality in life can sometimes fill one with a sense of nothingness. However, the illusory realm depicted in art affords us a momentary haven, where all expectations and fineness, be it in love or in life, never cease to exist.


    Being and Nothingness -The Solo Exhibition of CHEN Cheng-Wei, Chini Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan

    2016 Chen Chengwei Oil Painting Solo Exhibition, Wenzhou Exhibition Center, Zhejiang, China
    Invitation Exhibition of Chinese Oil Masters, Canal Art Museum, Shandong, China
    Feng Gu—Chinese Contemporary Youth Realistic Oil Painting Art Exhibition, Riverside Art Museum, Beijing, China
    The Contemporary Realistic Oil Painting Exhibition 2016, East Street No 6 Art Centre, Zhejiang, China
    The Distance of Ten Eyes, Phoenix-Hanzhang Art Space, Beijing, China
    The Prime of Life—Young Realistic Artist Art Exhibition, Bridge Gallery, Beijing, China
    Beijing - Beijing: Chinese Contemporary Youth Realistic Oil Painting Art Exhibition, Aimer Art Gallery, China
    2016 Exhibition of Fine Figurative Masters Painting, Sunyard•Sinceren Art Center, Zhejiang, China
    116m2+POP UP: Painting Biennale, 116m2 Museum, Zhejiang, China
    Real and Unreal: Contemporary Realistic Oil Painting Art Exhibition, Beijing, China
    The 2nd Classics and Heritage—National Youth Realistic Painting Art Exhibition, Ningbo Contemporary Art Museum, Zhejian, China
    Art Beijing, National Agriculture Exhibition Center, Beijing, China
    Artron Artist Group Exhibition, Times Museum, Beijing, China
    Not About Age—Realistic Oil Painting Exhibition, Phoenix Art Center, Jiangsu, China

    Another Me—Chen Chengwei Solo Exhibition, Today Art Museum, Beijing, China
    The JC. Jacobsen Prize Portrait Contest, National History Museum, Denmark
    Ni Fan—Chinese Contemporary Youth Oil Painting Exhibition, Bo Bao Art Museum, Beijing, China
    Return—Opening Exhibition of Riverside Art Museum, Riverside Art Museum, Beijing, China
    Artbay Fresh Artist Award, Beijing Museum of Visual Art, Beijing, China
    Classics and Heritage—National Youth Realistic Painting Art Exhibition, Ningbo Contemporary Art Museum, Zhejian, China

    The 12th National Exhibition of Fine Arts: Oil Painting, Zhejiang Art Museum, Zhejiang, China
    New Generation—Realistic Oil Painting Exhibition, Shanghai Melidao Art Centery, Shanghai, China
    Positive and Reverse: Contemporary Oil Painting Exhibition, Chang'an Avenue 1 Art Space, Beijing, China
    Bo Po Network Artists Exhibition, Guocui Garden Art Museum, Beijing, China
    Art Beijing, National Agriculture Exhibition Center, Beijing, China
    Research Representational Classical Realism: Oil Painting Art Exhibition, Phoenix Art Center, Jiangsu, China

    Real—Chinese Contemporary Youth Artists Invited Exhibition, 798 Art Zone, Beijing, China
    Spring Blossom—The 2nd Artxun Youth Oil Painting Group Exhibition, Guocui Garden Art Museum, Beijing, China
    The Wisdom of the Era—Exhibition Tour of AAC, Wuhan Art Museum, Wuhan; Guanshanyue Art Museum, Shenzhen, Titan Art Museum, Sian; Winshare Art Museum, Chengdu; Hengyuanxiang Xiang Shan Art Museum, Shanghai; Today Art Museum, Beijing, China
    Retrospective and Reconstruction—The 3rd Manet Art Museum Young Artists Art Exhibition, Manet Art Museum, Beijing, China
    New Realism—Oil Painting Art Exhbition, Beijing, China
    Imagine Unlimited—China Youth Artists Program, China Millennium Monument, Beijing, China
    Mark—China-South Korea Three Artist Exhibition, 798 Art Zone, Beijing, China
    The Way of Seeing—China New Realistic Painting, In Art Gallery, Shanghai, China
    Artron Artist Group Exhibition, Times Museum, Beijing, China
    2013 Art Expo, National Agriculture Exhibition Center, Beijing, China
    Phantasm•Retained—Representative Chinese Contemporary Youth Realism Oil Painting Ten People Exhibition, Melidao Art Center, Beijing, China
    Eight Zero—Realisitic Oil Painting Exhibition, Asia Art Center, Beijing, China

    New Realistic Oil Painting Exhibition, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China
    Unique in Harmony—Contemporary Youth Oil Painting Exhibition, Manet Art Museum, Beijing, China
    The 5th China International Youth Art Week, Times Museum, Beijing, China
    Impressions • Perception. Realistic Young Artists Invitation Exhibition, First Sound Gallery, Beijing, China
    Utopia: Contemporary Oil Painting Exhibition, Manet Art Museum, Beijing, China
    E Jinghua—Artron Group Exhibition, Times Museum, Beijing, China
    Still Water Runs Deep—Contemporary Youth Realistic Oil Painting Exhibition, Pan-China Art Center, Shanghai, China

    Not About Age—Exhibition of the Realistic Paintings of the 80s School, Taikang Space, Beijing, China
    Art Beijing, National Agriculture Exhibition Center, Beijing, China
    Art Zhengzhou, Eggs Art Center, Zhengzhou, China
    New Classics—Cultivation of the Brush Point, Lan Club, Beijing, China
    The 3rd Saint Angelo Shiny Artist (Visual Art Prize)

    China International Gallery Exposition, China World Trade Center, Beijing, China
    Art Beijing, National Agriculture Exhibition Center, Beijing, China
    Research Representational Painting—Reenters the Classics, Times Museum, Beijing, China

    The 12th Zhejiang Fine Arts Exhibition (Bronze Prize), Zhejiang Art Gallery, Zhejiang, China
    The Oil Painting Exhibition of 11th National Fine Arts Exhibition, Hubei Museum of Art, Hubei, China
    Retrospective Exhibition of Southern Collectors, Shenzhen, China

    China Art Chronicle Exhibition, China Millennium Monument, Beijing, China

    Man to Man Oil Painting Exhibition, Xin Beijing Art Gallery, Beijing, China

    Nomination Exhibition of National Graduates (Bronze Prize), Today Art Museum, Beijing, China
    China Academy of Art Graduation Exhibition (Academy Award), Exhibition Hall of China Academy of Art, Zhejiang, China



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