

【 平行演化 】曹文瑞 2018 油畫個展

  • 展期

    日期:2018-03-29 ~ 2018-04-25

  • 地點


  • 參展藝術家


  • 人們熟悉的動漫人物或電影主角出現在一個個貼近大眾的生活空間中,兩個看似不相關的人事物之間的相遇,擦撞出的火花令人會心一笑,也帶出了作者對於現代生活議題的看法。虛擬人物和現實場景的結合呈現出超現實的風格。以一貫的創作方式闡釋出有別以往的不同觀點。

    此次2018的展覽是從曹文瑞三大系列的脈絡中「心靈視窗」、「虛擬劇場」、「繆思計畫」衍伸出來的創作理念 -「平行演化」。從掌握創作靈感的繆思女神(Muse)一字延伸出的博物館(Museum)單字作為主題,以那些虛構的角色取代博物館中的藏品,博物館的場景被帶入作品中象徵著所有的藝術形式都不是無中生有而是有其傳承。創作者的靈感來源及學習來自四面八方,兩者看似無關聯性的事物或許就是其中一方的靈感來源。在曹文瑞的思想中,藝術形式的發展及演化是平行的、是跨越時空的隔閡的,時常帶來令人耳目一新的結果。

    Those well-known cartoon characters or movie stars appear in the places familiar to the public. The meeting of two objects which seem irrelevant not only creates sparks and makes people smile but also brings the modern issues of the artist’s perspective. The combination of fictional characters and realistic scenes shows the style of surrealism. The artist uses the consistent style to interpret various points of view different from the past.

    In 2018, this exhibition ‘Parallel Evolution’ is extended from the past three series (Spirit Windows, Virtual Theater, and Muse Plan). Using the word ‘museum’, which comes from the word Muse who control the inspiration of creation as a topic, and replace the collections of museums by fictional characters. Museums appearing in his works indicate that every art form is not out of nothing but has its heritage. That is, the source of inspiration of creators come from everywhere. The inspiration of a work might come from one which seems irrelevant. In the artist’s perspective, the development and evolution of art form are parallel and across the barriers of time and space which often bring refreshing results.



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