

【谷公館.10週年】Michael Ku Gallery 10th Anniversary

  • 展期

    日期:2018-06-02 ~ 2018-08-26

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  • 谷公館.10週年
    Michael Ku Gallery 10th Anniversary
    展覽日期:2018年6月2日(六) 至8月26日(日)
    開幕日期:2018年6月2日(六) 下午三時至六時


    從2008年谷公館第一檔展覽,韋嘉個展「照亮夜色無垠」開始,谷公館以敏銳的觀察力,細膩的規劃力,精準的市場分析與定位,與時俱進的視野,為台灣帶來許多的「不可能」與「第一次」的創舉。中國當代一系列的介紹:從韋嘉打頭陣,介紹了仇曉飛,宋琨,賈靄力,胡曉媛,陳可,陳飛⋯等人。在中國當代普遍停留在上個世代的概念時,谷公館已往下整理了一個精準有品質的名單。08,09年的日本熱潮,谷公館以新人之姿,與日本當代先鋒之一的小山登美夫畫廊合作,將日本藝術家川島秀明等人介紹到台灣,同時將韋嘉介紹至東京小山登美夫畫廊舉辦日本個展。亞太區的連結還有東南亞藝術的介紹,包括12年的艾珠克莉絲汀(Ay Tjoe Christine)台灣首次與唯一的個展,16年底的菲律賓現代主義代表人物劉安民(Lao Lianben)的台灣首次個展。他們都不只是「過去」的經典,而是與時代有關的「延續」與「開創」。2014年,谷公館開始規劃一系列最具潛力的新生代台灣當代藝術家個展與群展,在之後兩屆的台北雙年展,共有四位谷公館展出的藝術家入選,包括羅智信與郭俞平等人。谷公館的台灣當代藝術發展與推動,像是一泉活水,開始以嶄新的面貌動作。同時,在21世紀全球化的時代,谷公館原本即具備的藝術專業文化知識,促使谷公館在數年前,從亞洲地區,走向了西方世界的視野,像是座橋樑,已準備好在全球化時代與新時代對話的能力。





    Michael Ku Gallery 10th Anniversary

    Exhibition Dates:2 June - 26 August, 2018
    Opening:Saturday, 2 June, 15:00- 18:00

    2018 marks the tenth anniversary of Michael Ku Gallery’s establishment.

    The first exhibition held at Michael Ku Gallery was Wei Jia’s “Illuminating the Endless Night” in 2008. With keen insight, meticulous planning, and a vision that evolves with the times, Michael Ku Gallery has continued to provide Taiwan’s art scene with many ‘firsts,’ in both innovation and ideals. Starting with Wei Jia, Michael Ku Gallery launched a series of contemporary Chinese art exhibitions that introduced artists such as Song Kun, Jia Aili, Hu Xiaoyuan, Chen Ke, and Chen Fei. At a time when contemporary Chinese art still lingered in the past, Michael Ku Gallery was already curating a list of outstanding contemporary artists to present to the world. As Japanese art started to surge in popularity around 2008, the then newly founded Michael Ku Gallery collaborated with Tomio Koyama Gallery, one of Japan’s pioneering contemporary galleries, to introduce the art of Hideaki Kawashima to Taiwan. That same year, Tomio Koyama Gallery held Wei Jia’s exhibition in Tokyo. Michael Ku Gallery has also worked to promote art from the Asia Pacific Region, holding Ay Tjoe Christine’s first and only solo exhibition in Taiwan in 2012, and iconic Filipino modernist Lao Lianben’s first solo exhibition in Taiwan in 2016. These artists are more than classics of the past, they are the continuation and beginning of new eras. In 2014, Michael Ku Gallery curated a series of solo and joint exhibitions that featured the best of Taiwan’s up-and-coming contemporary artists. In the two subsequent Taipei Biennales, four artists represented by Michael Ku Gallery were selected to be part of the exhibits. Their works imbued the Biennale with new life, turning a new leaf in contemporary Taiwanese art. For over a decade, Michael Ku Gallery has been part of the dialogue of 21st century globalization and now, equipped with professional knowledge of the arts and cultures, continues to serve as a bridge between Asia and the West.

    Michael Ku Gallery believes that a good gallery must posses both commercial prowess and the ability to promote art and culture. On June 2nd of 2018, the day of Michael Ku Gallery’s tenth anniversary, it will hold an exhibition of cross-regional art. On June 9th, Chiang Hsun, who is widely regarded as Taiwan’s most representative master of aesthetics, will hold an exhibition in one of Shanghai’s most iconic historical sites, marking his debut art exhibition in China. In days of internationalization, Michael Ku Gallery strives to continue its important work of promoting art and culture. 2018 marks the tenth anniversary of Michael Ku Gallery, it is also a milestone that leads into a new era as the 21st century has come to mature.


    About Michael Ku Gallery
    Founded by Michael Ku in 2008, Michael Ku Gallery plays a leading and vital role in Taiwan's gallery scene of new generation. The Gallery presents artists and exhibitions ranging from Taiwanese contemporary art, connecting with Chinese contemporary art deriving from Mainland China then extending to Asian contemporary art covering both Southeast Asian and Japanese contemporary art. On the basis of the language of international contemporary art, the Gallery considers and pursues the unique features from Taiwan's local culture in order to bring out the current circumstances. The Gallery is also dedicated to working with the artists on developing the future paths of arts, tries to suggest new possibilities with the exhibitions, or to presents subtly the core subjects that the artists explore and the nature of the artwork during the creative process.



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日期:2023-04-29 ~ 2023-06-24|台灣,台北市