兩年前我開始嘗試立體雕塑,從此在創作上有了新的方向。當時在平面繪畫上遇到撞牆期與無力感,甚至懷疑自己;然而在繪畫西方古典油彩中又燃起一絲火花:在棕色基底上一層一層薄薄地透過白色顏料堆疊光影與立體感,這樣的畫法能使我享受繪畫。我試著尋找喜歡且適合自己的創作方式與媒材,於是忽有一個念頭:「既然嚮往光影與立體感的追求,或許可以嘗試雕塑?」然而現在,這卻成為我盼望畢生耕耘的道路。 我喜歡動漫、電影,喜歡公仔、雕像,喜歡自由地創作立體造型。起初我受日本造型藝術影響頗深,它是融合了動漫公仔與流行文化,以戲劇張力、角色魅力、質感擬真作為造型設計的首要目的,發展多元、廣泛。美國的模型用熱固土「Super Sculpey」是我進入雕塑領域的入門材料,然而我持續在嘗試利用不同媒材探索造型的可能,試圖建構屬於自己的造型世界,並期望在創作中尋找傳統雕塑與流行文化之間的關係與平衡。
Two years ago, I made my first contact with the field of sculpture, and gladly encountered a new direction for art creating. I was stuck in a bottleneck and felt powerless in the graphic art field in that period, to a point I even started to doubt myself. However, when creating tradition western oil paintings, a speck of enjoyment came back to me. Layering the light, shadow and three-dimensional sense by adding white paint onto the brown base. This technique was a relish to me. As I continued to look for the approaches and materials that I like and suitable for me, I suddenly thought of: “Why not try out the sculpture field since pursuing light, shadow and three-dimensional sense is such a savory to me?” Now, the art of sculpture has become the field I’d like to devote my life to. I love Japanese animations and movies, as well as action figures and sculptures. I enjoy creating sculptures freely. Japanese sculpture influenced me deeply in the early time. It is an art style where anime action figures and pop culture converged. The main aim is to display the dramatic tension, charisma of the characters, and imitate the texture of the original material that composed the characters. It has become a diverse and broad art category nowadays. At the beginning, thermosetting type clay, “Super Sculpey” was the brand, was the predominant material of my works. Yet, I am still exploring the possibilities with different materials in hope of constructing a sculpture world of my own, and find the relationship and balance between traditional sculpture and pop culture.