星期二至星期日 11:00-19:00。
Official Site
111 台北市⼠林區天⺟東路111號
TING TING ART SPACE 丁丁藝術空間積極在世界各地曝光,並與該地藝術單位合作,提供契約藝術家更多展覽的曝光機會,以推廣者的⾝分,希冀藝術環境能夠變得更好,『以藝術的發展⾓度來看,世界正在上演⼀場⾰命。』在快速變遷的時代之下應與時俱進,站在全新世代的⾓度去理解未來,顛覆傳統畫廊的先有空間再參加展會的經營模式,認為未來無實體畫廊空間必定成為趨勢,因此在實體空間成立之前,將重⼼置放於累積國際參展的實務經驗。⾃2017年起,丁丁藝術空間征戰過全球無數個藝術博覽會,跑遍全球各地⼤藝術博覽會,並連續三年受邀上海⻄岸藝術與設計博覽會,成為少數能夠入選的畫廊。具有豐富國際經驗的TING TING ART SPACE 丁丁藝術空間,積極發掘培育具有國際潛⼒的年輕藝術家,致⼒於國際藝術⽂化交流,並⽀持多項公共藝術計劃,推廣在地當代藝術發展。
Ting Ting Art Space carries through the persistence of exhibiting every month during the epidemic in the last two years. To cater the rapid change of the period, we make strong effort to seize every opportunity for the gallery’s exposure.
We maintain a positive outlook for the artistic future based on the all-new generation of power. This is why we have shifted from the traditional gallery model which sets up a corner first and then the exhibition. We believe that in the near future, incorporeal gallery space will definitely become a trend.
In the design of our gallery space, we skillfully integrated nostalgic retro style and the sense of future technology, this move also perfectly reinterpreted the meaning and appearance of modern art. On one hand we pay tribute to the cultural background, and on the other hand, we hold an open attitude to accept multiculturalism and keep pace with all kinds of new informations.
From an international perspective, we explore unique artists all over the world and focus on accumulating practical experience from international exhibitions. It not only leads many foreign artists who debut in Asia for the first time, but also enables domestic art lovers to get closer to art culture. We aim to create a cozy and artistic atmosphere from our gallery to the public.