ART TAIPEI 台北國際藝術博覽會


    藝術家陳紫君(生於1984年)是來自香港的中國水墨 畫家,熱衷於畫動物。陳紫君學術成就卓著,擁有香 港嶺南大學策展和藝術史碩士學位、英國愛丁堡龍比 亞大學跨學科設計碩士學位和未來設計學士學位。 2023年陳紫君搬入香港藝術發展局的黃竹坑的藝術空間,2017-2022年作品多次於新 加坡33Auction成功拍出,此外也參加了保利廈門2019秋季拍賣會(Poly Auction)和2017 年,TK入圍由英國文化協會舉辦的「英國傑出校友獎」。

    Creative artist Ms TK Chan has been painting Scotland through her eyes since her time as a student at Edinburgh Napier University, where she graduated from in 2008 with a MDes in Interdisciplinary Design. She lived and worked in Scotland for 10 years and returned to Hong Kong in 2010. She is the co-founder and curator of BLINK Gallery Hong Kong, member of Society of Scottish Artists (SSA), The Hong Kong St Andrew's Society and Hong Kong Society for Education in Art (HKSEA). Her works have been exhibited in Hong Kong, London, Cardiff and Edinburgh.  She misses Scotland and she desires to promote Scottish culture in her home city. Her artworks have been inspired by Scottish natural environment. They have been collected by International company, Law firm and some private collectors.