Hime 於2008年開始在時尚產業工作,同時也開啟他的時尚攝影師之路。2013年移居美國為海外品牌進行拍攝,隔年回國後移居東京,為國內外時尚品牌拍攝。2019年起,他開始兼以自由接案的數位插畫師身分活動,涉獵各種平面設計,包括服裝印花、音樂專輯封面、現場演出或快閃式活動海報等。
Hime 在2020年底首次使用壓克力顏料在畫布上創作,並於京都藝術博覽會展出,展開了他的藝術家生涯,其作品以80年代風格的女性為主題,並受到廣泛的關注,成為備受矚目的藝術家。
1986 Born in Osaka, Japan
2004-2007 Kyoto Seika University, Faculty of Manga, Comic Art Course
Hime entered the fashion industry in 2008 and embarked on his journey as a fashion photographer. In 2013, he moved to the United States for foreign brand shoots and returned to Tokyo the following year. Starting from 2019, he also pursued a freelance career as a digital illustrator, including clothing prints, music album covers, live performance and pop-up event posters.
In late 2020, Hime painted his first artwork using acrylic on canvas, which was exhibited at Kyoto Art Fair, marking the beginning of his artist career. His works mainly feature women with an 80s aesthetic and have garnered widespread attention, making him a highly acclaimed artist.