ART TAIPEI 台北國際藝術博覽會



    荷蘭國家藝術基金會獎金( 1996,1999,2002,2006,2009,2010,2012 )

    蒙德里安藝術基金會獎金(2006, 2012)




    Frans Hals博物館(哈勒姆,荷蘭);斯希丹市立博物館(斯希丹,荷蘭),Boijmans van Beuningen博物館(鹿特丹,荷蘭);CODA博物館(阿珀爾多倫,荷蘭);福爾林登博物館(瓦瑟納爾,荷蘭);Sanquin 收藏(阿姆斯特丹,荷蘭);霍弗拉肯市建設基金(荷蘭),荷蘭Gemeenten銀行(海牙,荷蘭);Collectie Achmea(阿珀爾多倫,荷蘭);荷蘭國家收藏館(阿姆斯特丹);DELA 系列(埃因荷芬,荷蘭);威廉哈克博物館(路德維希港,德國);布爾諾萬尼克畫廊(捷克);幾何馬迪博物館(達拉斯,美國);曼海姆 Versicherung 收藏館(曼海姆,德國); 藏家遍佈歐洲、日本、中國、澳大利亞、南美和美國


    Sebastian Fath| Contemporary(曼海姆,德國),dr Julius|ap(柏林,德國),NL=US Art(鹿特丹,荷蘭+Glen Ridge,美國),Pentimenti 畫廊(費城,美國),本特利畫廊(鳳凰城,美國),彼得布萊克畫廊(加州,美國),虫二藝術(台南,台灣)






    Jan Maarten Voskuil (Arnhem 1964) stretches his paintings into the third dimension. His crafted, partly curved wooden constructions are based on simple geometric principles: the circle, the square, and the rectangle He stretches the frames with linen and usually paints them in monochrome colors. With a minimum of means, he manages to develop a broad spectrum with his work whereby he partly stands in the tradition of the constructive, minimal, and concrete art of the twentieth century.

    His work is labeled as spatial object, sculpture, autonomous design or even architecture. He himself consistently continues to call the work painting because his frame of reference is painting. Spatial or not, "It remains paint on canvas, and deals with the limitations of the flat surface," he argues. "Conversely, you would call Carl Andre's work sculpture even though it's mostly flat, wouldn’t you?”

    Still, there is something to be said for seeing in Voskuil not just a painter. Over the years, his ingenious stretchers have become primarily modular constructions, which can sometimes be assembled in various ways. This makes him not only a painter but also a "builder" of paintings, which brings him very close to architecture.

    In his latest series of works the exploration of space is accompanied by the (re)introduction of emptiness into the painting. The modules are no longer connected to each other. Although this disintegration already made its appearance in the series Dynamic Monochromes, from 2012 onwards, in the form of indentations between the modules, this in-between space, like the cuts, is now much more thematized.