ART TAIPEI 台北國際藝術博覽會


    藤原泰佑通過採訪全國各地的城市和聚落,並以真實的風景作為基礎創作作品。 在繼續現場採訪的過程中,藤原通過路邊的商店、廣告、招牌等,探尋特色景觀,並從中窺見居民的生活。 近年來,他將畫作的繪製從整體俯瞰的視角轉變為聚焦於城市景觀的作品,並通過佈置城市元素來充實畫面。 他將自己採訪到的地方的材料資訊在電腦上組合,然後將其輸出到和紙上,用細膩筆觸加強畫面的配置並且添加顏色。此外,他還利用日本畫繪製時使用的金箔來表現凸起的雲霧等,增添作品中的日本調性,以及風采。未來,他計劃將走遍世界各地,如同旅行的照片般,快門擷取的記憶片段與當前的風景,將所到之處「當下」用繪筆存留於作品之中。

    Taisuke Fujiwara creates his works based on real landscapes. While continuing to conduct on-site research, he discovers the unique scenery that characterizes the city through roadside shops, advertisements, and signs, catching a glimpse of the lives of the people living there. He focuses on urban landscapes and creates works that fill the screen with urban elements. He combines materials on a computer and then uses a brush to place colors on washi paper. He uses gold leaf to represent clouds and aims to travel around the world in the future, capturing current landscapes and depicting them on the screen.