天才型藝術家的永島千裕,大學畢業以24歲的年輕之姿,於2007年的TOKYO WONDER WALL贏得了首獎的最高榮譽。而自得獎以來,她積極地在日本國內舉辦個展,並參加國內外藝術博覽會等各種活動,同時,她也擔任糖果品牌的藝術指導等多方面的工作,不斷擴大自己的活躍領域。永島以人物形象為主題,將從日常生活中獲得的各種印象和來自文學和古代神話的信息疊加在一起,讓自己如被引導般隨心所欲地在畫紙上撒下顏料,用繪筆讚頌想像的自由。那些被歌詠的童謠,被傳唱的詩篇,有著回憶的聲響,藉著繪筆一章一曲撞擊著深埋在腦海裡曾經真摯的靈魂。作品中絢麗的色彩與其視線、姿態、表情中的不穩定性和不合理性形成對比,呈現出語言無法表達的模糊性,暗喻人類本質深處的巨大深度,從作品中體會人性的正反兩面。
Chiriro Nagashima won the grand prize at Tokyo Wonder Wall in 2007, and her talent bloomed early. Since then, she has energetically exhibited her work, including solo exhibitions in Japan and participating in international art fairs. In recent years, she has expanded her range of activities by working as an art director for a sweets brand. Her works are based on human figures, layering literary and ancient mythological references onto casual images from everyday life. They are expressed in vivid colors, but despite their glamorous appearance, they convey instability and irrationality in each gaze, posture, and expression. They present us with ambiguity that cannot be expressed in language and make us rediscover the essential depth that appears and disappears on the surface of human beings.