ART TAIPEI 台北國際藝術博覽會


    出⽣於臺灣苗栗,在⾼雄成⻑,畢業於東海⼤學美術系碩⼠班創作組,2016年榮獲文化部遴選為Art Taipei「2016 Made In Taiwan-新⼈推薦特區」藝術家,亦為2015臺南新藝獎⾸獎得主,曾獲得⾼雄獎(2014)、第⼗屆桃源創作獎(2012)、新北市創作新⼈獎(2012、2011)等當代藝壇指標性獎項入圍肯定,作品榮獲臺南市立美術館、國立臺灣美術館典藏︒於2015年受邀⾄⽇本茨城縣筑波美術館「新進藝術家育成展」參與展出、分別於2015、2018年參與國立台灣美術館的策展「夢‧棲地─館藏青年藝術主題展」、「花之禮讚-四⼤美術館聯合⼤展」。阿波羅畫廊曾於⼤稻埕國際藝術節、台北國際藝術博覽會、台中藝術博覽會、台南藝術博覽會、ONE ART TAIPEI等地展出。 黃⾄正以影像拼貼、複合媒材的運⽤,不斷重新解構青少年時期起,即特別著迷的動物解剖和花草圖鑑,延續書中骨骼、⾎管、組織器官,種種對⽣命的想像,創作圍繞在⽣命議題和感情抒發上,透過創作尋找⽣命循環課題裡另⼀種可能的答案。

    Huang Chih-Cheng Born in Miaoli and grew up in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Graduated from Tunghai University Master of Fine Arts. His outstanding performance has made him the winner of the 2015 Next Art Tainan, the recipient of the Selected Prize in Kaohsiung Awards 2014, The 10th Taoyuan

    Contemporary Art Award, and The Arising Artist Award of New Taipei City in 2011 and 2012. His artworks are collected by Tainan Museum of Fine Arts and National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts. In 2015, Chih-Cheng was invited to numerous exhibitions, including joint exhibition ‘Forest Banquet’ at Regent Galleria and his solo exhibitions 'Roaming the Shores' and ‘Air Amusement’. In the same year, Huang Chic-Cheng also participated in a joint exhibition ‘FINE ART / UNIVERSITY SELECTION’ in Tsukuba Museum of Art in Tsukuba, Japan. Apollo Art Gallery has exhibited at such as Tua-Tiu-Tiann International Festival of Arts, Art Taipei, Art Taichung, Art Tainan, ONE ART TAIPEI and so on. Huang Chih-Cheng utilizes image collages and mixed media to continually deconstruct the animal anatomy and botanical illustrations that have fascinated him since his adolescence. His works incorporate elements of bones, blood vessels, and organ tissues found in reference books, exploring various imaginations of life. His creations revolve around themes of life and emotional expression, seeking alternative answers within the cycle of life through artistic exploration.