Keiko Aikawa is adept at observe meaningless and irregular arrays in everyday life as faces and is continuously looking for the presence of a face within a face.
She finds her face as her eye's wanders and follows the shape quickly to avoid
losing its sight. Painting a face, she is constantly looking for another face, and deliberate to find another face within. Through the process she questions in her mind, “You know nothing about me”, and “I know nothing about you”.
Often in the process of her painting many faces, her mind responds, “I am not capable to fully understand this living being”. As she calms down, relooking at the completed artworks she then questions “What is this?”
What we see is only a part of something, and the other part is invisible. We may not fully comprehend each other as the unseeable exists. Will I be able to uncover the invisible face within a face with my keen eyes?
The face drawn by Keiko, who’s face this may be? Not one person will fully understand.