⾼橋⾏雄1946年出⽣於⽇本東北地⽅的岩⼿縣,畢業於東京中央美術學園。⾃1989年開始他以「貓」為主題,以彩⾊鉛筆繪製出張張栩栩如⽣的作品。曾榮獲「⽇仏現代国際美術展」獎勵賞,更連續⼗年獲選參展法國LE SALON,在法國更是以「貓畫家」的美名備受肯定。年屆七⼗,仍活躍於⽇本藝壇,屢獲藝術受賞榮耀。阿波羅畫廊於2018年舉辦「霧⼀般的腳步-⾼橋⾏雄個展」,陸續於台中、台南藝術博覽會等各地展出。
Yukio Takahashi was born in Iwate Prefecture, northeastern Japan. He graduated from Central Fine Arts Campus in Tokyo. He has used "Cat" as a theme to creat a lifelike images by colored pencil since 1989 and has been selected to exhibit in the Japan-France Contemporary International Art
Selection Exhibition, and LE SALON in France consecutively over 10 years, and has a renowed reputation of being "the cat painter" in France. In his seventies, Takahashi, still reminds active in the art scene in Japan, has won numerous awards. Apollo Art Gallery hosted its first exhibition of Yukio Takahashi's artworks in 2018, followed by showcases in various locations such as Art Taichung and Art Tainan.