ART TAIPEI 台北國際藝術博覽會


    珍妮特·芬茨 (Jeanette Fintz) 是一位頗有成就的畫家和評論 家,她的批評著作已被廣泛出版,她的作品為她贏得了無數榮 譽,包括紐約藝術基金會獎學金(紙上作品)、麥克道爾殖民 地藝術獎學金和 英格拉姆·梅里爾基金會繪畫獎。

    芬茨的畫作將活力和形式嚴謹結合在一起,產生了令人眼花繚 亂的效果。 她的線條自信、幾何、接地氣,但她的動感節奏為 每幅作品增添了俏皮感和風險元素。 她溫暖、誘人的調色板確 保這些有趣的圖案充滿溫暖和活力。

    Jeanette Fintz is an accomplished painter and critic whose critical writings have been published extensively, and whose work has earned her numerous honors, including The New York Foundations for the Arts Fellowship (Works on Paper), The MacDowell Colony for the Arts Fellowship, and the Ingram Merrill Foundation Award for Painting.

    Fintz’s painting combine energy and formal rigor to dazzling effect. Her lines are confident, geometric, grounded, but her kinetic rhythms add playfulness and an element of risk to each composition. Her warm, inviting palette ensures that these intriguing patterns are imbued with warmth and exuberance.