一九七六年出生於阿根廷聖胡安,九歲起於當地知名藝術家Daniel Diaz和Ernesto Manera的工作室學習。畢業於阿根廷門多薩省的庫瑤國立大學的造型藝術和工業設計學系。自一九九四年起師從當地著名畫家Mario Perez和Eduardo Esquivel, 並開始在阿根廷及其它國家舉辦個展和群展。作品廣受各地的公共和私人收藏,遍佈阿根廷、美國、加拿大、智利、巴拿馬、以色列、南非、西班牙、烏拉圭和墨西哥。
Born in 1976, in San Juan, Argentina. At the early age of nine, Alvarez undertook apprenticeships at the workshops of local celebrated artists such as Daniel Diaz and Ernesto Manera. Alvarez majored in plastic art and industrial design at the Faculty of Arts of the National University of Cuyo in Mendoza, Argentina. Afterward, he was mentored by famous Argentinian artists such as Mario Perez and Eduardo Esquivel. At the same time, Alvarez’s works gained recognition in solo and group exhibitions both in Argentina and abroad. His paintings are included in public and private collections in Argentina, the United States, Canada, Chile, Panama, Israel, South Africa, Spain, Uruguay, and Mexico.