我們很高興介紹 TAEZOO PARK,他是一位享譽國際的新媒體藝術家,以其引人入勝和引人省思的作品而聞名。從自然、科技和人類經驗中汲取靈感,Park 突破界限並挑戰觀念。在對自然與人工二元性的深刻探索以及對互動裝置和雕塑創新的思考下,Park 創作了錯綜複雜的作品,從不同層面與觀眾建立共鳴,引發沉思、對話,並重新審視當代社會的 “交互聯繫網路”。
We are thrilled to introduce TAEZOO PARK, an internationally acclaimed new media artist renowned for his captivating and thought-provoking works. Drawing inspiration from nature, technology, and the human experience, Park pushes boundaries and challenges perceptions. Driven by a profound exploration of the duality between the natural and the artificial, and through the innovative use of interactive installations and captivating sculptures, Park creates intricate works that engage viewers on multiple levels, inviting contemplation, dialogue, and a renewed appreciation for the interconnectedness of our world.