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GALLERY KOGURE(小暮畫廊),不論創作媒介,我們致力於把追求事物本質概念且具備高品質創作力的藝術家推向國際。
藝術家所具備的獨創性是其生命線。我們在選擇藝術家時最重視的是「Object beauty(事物本身具有美感和吸引力)」和「Super technic(超凡卓越的技藝)」以及「Neo-culturalism(來自當代文明的饋贈)」。
「Object beauty」意指藝術品所散發的不可置疑的美感。即使抽離作品所表達的概念,它作為物的存在也對人們具有恒久的吸引力。我們首先追求的是作品自身之「美」。
「Super technic」意指藝術家經過不遺余力的研究與鍛煉所得的恩賜。它來自對傳統美術及優秀匠人等的興趣與學習,經過精巧的表達進而體現藝術家的獨創性,它決不會被時代的洪流沖逝。
作為畫廊主理人的小暮洋先生,從1985年起在東京銀座的美術畫廊中工作了18年,於2006年創立GALLERY KOGURE,他至今已度過38年的職業生涯。「GALLERY KOGURE」在2006年3月東京神田神保町開業,每年在十余個國家進行展覽。
GALLERY KOGURE is a gallery that internationally introduces artists who possess a concept that approaches the truth and create the highest quality of art.
It goes without saying that unique originality is an artist’s lifeline, but what we consider the most important in selecting an artist is his or her “object beauty”, “super technique” and “Neo-culturalism.”
“Object beauty” means that an art object itself emits unwavering beauty and that it attracts people even without its concept. What we want from an art work before anything else is beauty.
“Super technique” is what an artist acquires by spending a lot of time on studying and training. Originality of an artist who takes interest in and learns antiques and craftsmen’s excellent skills is never carried away by the tide of time.
“Neo-culturalism” is a term coined from the idea of “Multiculturalism”. The concept was born from a desire to introduce unique and stimulating works that are a subset of “Multiculturalism”, a proactively receptive expression of the art of various cultures, but specifically featuring the distinctive background of modern Japan.