週二~週日 13:00-19:00
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丹之寶作為喜馬拉雅當代藝術的開拓者,秉持著透過藝術反映出時代的面貌,進而探索並銜接喜馬拉雅當代美學與全球藝術史的脈絡。丹之寶由喜馬拉雅當代藝術的歷史切面中,挖掘出數位不丹當代藝術家:Asha Kama, Gyempo Wangchuk, Zimbiri以及Passang TOBGAY,並與尼泊爾藝術家Hit Man Gurung 、台裔美籍藝術家董承濂等以喜馬拉雅藝術為發想概念的創作者,在世界亞洲藝術的洪流中探求屬於當下深刻且動人的東方章節,藉以孕育喜馬拉雅當代藝術的美學思維。開啟丹之寶以「喜馬拉雅當代」為思考核心,進一步拓展亞洲當代藝術的版圖,同時和多位以「新東方美學」為創作主軸的華人藝術家如李君毅、沈翰、蕭博駿、柯驎晏、羅婕合作,期望透過藝術史的書寫,觀照藝術於時間流變下的願景,建立富含文化底蘊之國際視野。
As a pioneer in unveiling Himalaya Contemporary Art, Tansbao Gallery is devoted to reflecting the era through art by exploring and connecting the contemporary aesthetics of the Himalayas with the context of global art history. Tansbao Gallery has come to discover several talented Bhutan contemporary artists such as Asha Kama, Gyempo Wangchuk, Zimbiri and Passang TOBGAY who draw inspiration from Himalayan culture , and we cooperate with Nepalese artist Hit Man Gurung and Taiwanese-American artist Nick Dong as well. Tansbao Gallery seeks to unearth profound philosophies of the East onto the global Asian art scene and aims to nurture such aesthetic concept along the way. With "Himalaya Contemporary Art" as our core focus, Tansbao Gallery also opens up new horizons for contemporary art in Asia by working with several Asian artists who represent the "Neo Oriental Aesthetics" as their core essence of creation such as artists Lee Chun-Yi, Shen Han, Hsiao Po-Chun, Ke Lin-Yen, Lo Chieh. It is our hope that through these remarkable pieces of artwork, we not only capture the fine moments of our time, but also get a glimpse of how the history of art has cultivated under rich cultural influence until this day.
Art is always strongly connected to society and culture. The present moment is always the best epoch. With its unique artistic taste and aesthetic perspective from the tradition to the contemporary, Tansbao Gallery has gradually shaped the silhouette of Himalayan Contemporary Art along this journey. As one of the pioneer galleries introducing Himalayan Contemporary Art to the world, Tansbao Gallery is committed to bring forth aesthetic creations that derive from traditional culture into different representations of contemporary art. Bearing such responsibility and mission in mind, Tansbao Gallery continues our journey to discover more possibilities of the "Neo Oriental Aesthetics".
【Tall Tails:Zimbiri 金柏麗 個展】2023.06.10-07.08,台北
【2023 ART SOLO】2023.05.04-05.07,台北
【The Worlds Within Us:金寶旺楚克個展】2023.04.22-05.30,台北
【2023 ART TAINAN】2023.03.17-03.19,台南
【ONE ART TAIPEI 2023 藝術台北】2023.01.13-01.15,台北
【2022 ART TAIPEI 台北藝術博覽會】2022.10.20-10.24,台北
【須彌幻境】CHUN 2022 F/W 蕭博駿個展,2022.09.03-10.08,台北
【2022 ART TAICHUNG 台中藝術博覽會】2022.07.14-07.17,台中
【2022 WHATZ ART】2022.05.20-05.22,台北
【仙鄉淹留】千年之後未來水墨的樣貌 ,2022.04.23-06.02,台北
【2022 ART TAINAN 台南藝術博覽會】2022.03.11-03.13,台南
【神眷之地 The Place Gods Foster】尼泊爾當代藝術特展,2022.02.19-03.26,台北
【ONE ART TAIPEI 2022藝術台北】2022.01.14-01.16,台北
【2021 ART TAICHUNG 台中藝術博覽會】2021.12.02-12.05,台中
【2021 ART TAIPEI 台北藝術博覽會】2021.10.21-10.25,台北
【水啦!臺灣水墨新潮】羅婕、張芷蓁、許宸家、陳肇珮、陳紀安 聯展,2021.09.01-09.30,台北
【2021 ART TAINAN 台南藝術博覽會】2021.03.11-03.14,台南
【Power of Himalaya 雷龍之力】不丹鬼才藝術家 Gyempo Wangchuk海外首展,2021.02.20-04.17,台北
【ONE ART Taipei 2021】2021.01.15-01.17,台北
【問石記-CHUN 2020 F/W】蕭博駿個展,2020.10.17-11.17,台北
【與神同行 Wishful Refractions: a Buddhist pop art exhibition】。2020.07.23-08.29,台北
【2020 ART TAICHUNG 台中藝術博覽會】。2020.07.16-07.20,台中
【2020 台南藝術博覽會 ROOM 806】。2020.03.13-03.15,台南
【ONE ART Taipei 2020】藝術台北2020。2020.01.18-01.19,台北
【北京城市藝術博覽會 | 2019】。2019.06.20-06.23,北京
【行雲鎏光 | 2019】—Asha Kama海外首展。2019.03.23-05.20,台北
【Art Future 藝術未來 | 2019】。2019.01.18-01.20,台北