

【迷幻死藤水-薩滿之旅vr展】Ayahuasca - The Shamanic Exhibition

  • 展期

    日期:2020-07-17 ~ 2020-09-13

  • 地點

    VA Hub 虛擬實境跨界整合基地(104台北市中山區林森北路353巷20號B1)

  • 參展藝術家


  • 《迷幻死藤水》(Ayahuasca – Kosmik Journey)由備受讚譽的導演尚庫南(Jan Kounen)執導,以VR重現實境的潛力,呈現服用死藤水的迷幻經驗。死藤水由藥用植物熬煮而成,廣泛用於亞馬遜流域西皮波族(Shipibo tribe)的儀式當中。


    In Ayahuasca – Kosmik Journey, acclaimed film director Jan Kounen explores the potential of using Virtual Reality to represent the psychedelic experience of Ayahuasca, a brew used in rituals by the Shipibo tribe of the Amazon.

    Ayahuasca – The Shamanic Exhibition features different elements to learn about this ceremony with the VR experience by Jan Kounen as the centerpiece. Can immersive technology approach experiences like Ayahuasca and alter our sense of reality?

    ※《迷幻死藤水》預告片 Ayahuasca – Kosmik Journey Trailer
    ※《迷幻死藤水》幕後製作花絮 Ayahuasca VR experience - Making Of

    **《迷幻死藤水》導演—尚庫南 Ayahuasca – Kosmik Journey - Director Jan Kounen**

    集導演、製片、編劇一身,荷裔法籍的導演尚庫南於1996年完成首支劇情長片《太保密碼》。 之後,前往墨西哥和秘魯旅行,將自己沉浸在中美洲的文化當中,而這段旅程也成為尚庫南在2004年拍攝的《西部幽靈》(Blueberry)的靈感來源;同年,他也持續潛心研究南美洲的薩滿文化,並製作了紀錄片《他境》(Other Worlds)。2009年,他執導的電影《香奈兒的秘密》,獲坎城影展選為當屆閉幕片。尚庫南近年致力於製作虛擬實境的影像創作,VR作品《迷幻死藤水》、《七生》與《-22.7°C》接受到國際影展好評。

    Director, screenwriter and producer of Dutch origin. In 1996, Jan Kounen made his first feature film, Dobermann, after which he travelled across Mexico and Peru, where he immersed in shaman culture and returned in 2004 with the western Blueberry. The same year, he continued his study of shamanism with the documentary Other Worlds. In 2009, he directed Coco Chanel & Igor Stravinsky, which made the closing of the Cannes. Recently he has developed three VR projects: 7 Lives, Ayahuasca and -22.7°C.

    ※展覽資訊 Exhibition Information ※

    展期|2020/07/17(五) - 2020/09/13(日)
    * 每週一休展
    * 週二 - 週五 14:00 - 20:00
    * 週六、週日 11:00 - 18:00
    地點|VA Hub 虛擬實境跨界整合基地(104台北市中山區林森北路353巷20號B1)

    Date|July 17, 2020 (Fri.) - Sep 13, 2020 (Sun.)
    - Vernissage onJuly 17, the exhibition is only available for the invited guests. Thank you for your understanding.
    -Monday Closed
    -Tue. - Fri.14:00-20:00,
    -Sat. - Sun. 11:00-18:00
    Venue|VA hub
    Organized by|Digital Art Foundation
    Executed by|ET@T

    ※購票及活動須知 Admission and Guest Expectations ※
    -> 購票 Ticket:https://www.accupass.com/go/ayahuasca

    - 本活動不分票種,票價 200 元。
    - 本活動僅可透過 Accupass 線上購票,不開放現場購票。
    - 本展覽分為 VR 作品與全展區,全展區憑當日票券可單人不限次數進出;VR 作品觀賞憑票面所示場次為主,票券僅限單次觀賞,遲到 20 分鐘將不開放觀賞。(如:購買7/31 16:00場次,即表示限定16:00觀賞VR,當日其他時間皆可進入展區。)
    - VR 放映時間約為 20 分鐘。
    - 因孩童視力尚在發展關鍵期,不建議13歲以下兒童觀賞 VR。
    - 少數人在使用 VR 設備時,可能會產生頭暈、噁心症狀,購票前請先自行評估,若因身體不適造成無法順利觀影,恕不退票。
    - 退票辦法依照 Accupass 公告方式辦理(僅能於票券可使用時間 8 日前辦理,酌收票價 10% 退票手續費,逾期恕不受理)。詳請參閱Accupass網站說明:http://support.accupass.com/knowledgebase/articles/152170
    - 票券售出恕不提供換票,訂購前請務必留意日期與時間。若需更換票券請退票後重新訂購(需收10%手續費)或參考Accupass票券轉讓說明:https://tinyurl.com/y8nxvqfp
    - 本活動不適用振興三倍券、藝FUN券等票券。
    - 上述事項若有未盡事宜,主辦單位保留活動之停止、變更及解釋權利。
    - 若您為身心障礙者,請於造訪前提前通知主辦單位,以利提供協助服務。
    - 活動相關問題,請洽活動主辦單位,電話聯繫:02-7709-9091 #656(聯絡時間:週一-週五 10:00 - 18:00)。

    - Flat admission rate of 200NTD
    - Tickets only to be purchased online on ACCUPASS. NO ticket sale available at the door.
    - Two sections in the "Ayahuasca - The Shamanic Exhibition”: the VR screening and the exhibition area. Multiple entries to the exhibition area are allowed for the ticket holder on the day of visit, while the ticket only allows single-time VR screening on the exact date and time as stated on the ticket. Latecomers to the VR screening will NOT be admitted 20 minutes after the screening begins. (For example, if you purchase the ticket for July 31 16:00, you are only allowed to attend the screening at 16:00 on the same date, while you can visit the exhibition anytime during the opening time on July 31.)
    - Duration of the VR screening is around 20 minutes.
    - VR screenings are not recommended for children under the age of 13 as their eyesight may still be developing.
    - Some people may experience nausea while viewing VR. Please note that you agree to view the VR screenings at your own risk. We are unable to refund tickets in the event of anyone being unable to complete a screening.
    - For return and refund policies, please refer to ACCUPASS. (The ticket is only refundable prior to 8 days before the scheduled event date) More Info: http://support.accupass.com/knowledgebase/articles/152170
    - No changes to the tickets are allowed, please be fully aware of the details on your purchase. Shall you need to change the tickets, please return the ticket and purchase a new one. For return policies please refer to ACCUPASS. More info: https://tinyurl.com/y8nxvqfp
    - Triple Stimulus Vouchers or NT$600 Cultural Vouchers are not applicable to this event.
    - Organizer reserves the rights to amend the terms and conditions regarding the event without prior notice.
    - If your are disabled or challenged, please inform the organizer prior to your visit for assistance service.
    - Contact: 02-7709-9091 #656 (Mon.-Fri. 10:00-18:00)


    **製作團隊 Credit List**

    - VR執導創作 |尚庫南
    - 製作公司 |Atlas V、a_ Bahn、Small
    - 獎助單位 |盧森堡國家電影基金、法國國家電影中心、巴黎市政廳、Pictanovo

    Ayahuasca – Kosmik Journey
    A virtual reality experience by | Jan Kounen
    Produced by|Atlas V、a_ Bahn、Small
    With the support of Film Fund|Luxembourg Film Fund、CNC、Mairie de Paris、Pictanovo


    - 展覽內容製作 |Diversion Cinéma
    - 特別感謝 |Shamans Films、Asomashk – Asociación Medicos Ancestrales Shipibo Conibo
    - 展覽主辦 |財團法人數位藝術基金會
    - 展覽策劃 |在地實驗 ET@T
    - 展覽統籌 |吳伯山

    "Ayahuasca – The Shamanic Exhibition"
    - An exhibition produced by|Diversion Cinéma
    - Special Thanks|Shamans Films、Asomashk – Asociación Medicos Ancestrales Shipibo Conibo
    - Organized by|Digital Art Foundation
    - Executed by|ET@T
    - Exhibition Programmer|Wu Po-Shan

    1. 進入展場請配戴口罩,並留意保持適當社交距離。
    2. 入場請配合測量體溫,額溫超過攝氏37.5度將婉拒入場
    3. 場內備有酒精消毒乾洗手器,進入場館請配合使用。
    4. 入場請配合實聯制相關規定,填寫相關個人資料。

    In prevention of the Covid-19, the following measures are taken for the safety of the visitors:
    1. All visitors are advised to wear facemasks during their visits to the exhibition and maintain social distancing.
    2. Visitors’ body temperature are taken at the entrance as necessary precautions. Visitors whose body temperature exceeds 37.5C will not be admitted.
    3. Visitors are also advised to clean the hands with alcohol hand sanitizer at the entrance.
    4. Visitors are to adhere to the prevention restrictions and fill in the health declaration form.

VA HUB尚庫南數位藝術中心VR薩滿


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日期:2023-12-09 ~ 2024-01-28|台灣,台北市