

【Super Acrylic Skin-Quiet World】松浦浩之個展

  • 展期

    日期:2020-09-05 ~ 2020-10-04

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  • 參展藝術家


  • 誠品畫廊將於二〇二〇年九月五日至十月四日推出松浦浩之個展「SUPER ACRYLIC SKIN—Quiet World」,發表藝術家橫跨不同媒材的多元創作,包括畫布作品、版畫、雕塑、與素描作品,並同步推出限量軟質搪膠公仔。動漫美學是二十一世紀全藝術領域中重要的創意泉源,在此流派尚未成氣候的二十年前,松浦浩之已開始創造動漫角色,他筆下的人物色彩絢麗飽滿,無論衣飾或表情均透露出鮮明的性格,因而甫出道旋即獲得村上隆主辦的「星探獎」。本展覽為松浦浩之繼二〇〇八年之後,在台灣睽違十二年的最新個展。

    「動漫角色是確實又虛構的存在。想像一下,如果沒有這些人物存在的世界,會孤獨嗎?這是他們存在的證據」,松浦浩之如此形容今日影響力已如現實真人一般的動漫角色。松浦浩之的角色起源於年少時期對動漫和玩偶的回憶,他將他們視為擁有壓克力皮膚的第二人種,稱之為「SUPER ACRYLIC SKIN」。這些角色跨越時空和文化,表達出普世的生命狀態和藝術家的感觸。例如《THE APPLE》中角色咬著蘋果,蘋果既是禁忌之果亦是生命之源的象徵,卻在不知不覺中成為現代人所熟知的科技代名詞,彷彿「PC=生命之源」,於是松浦浩之提出詰問:「那,屬於你的蘋果呢?」。又或者在《The Nornir-Trigonal Clone》三拼大作中,他以北歐神話掌管現在、過去與未來,在戰場上握有生死權的諾恩三女神為題,畫面中現代感十足的武神帶有複製般的表情和驚奇的眼神,藉此松浦浩之試圖表現生命力強韌卻又拜神迷信的世界,也描述二〇一五年創作當時日本年輕人普遍的無力感。《The End of Beginning》則是一名黑暗英雄,「在這個時代,我們不需要乖巧的英雄。對於新時代來說,在黑暗中也能堅持信仰的人才是英雄」,松浦浩之如是說。

    隨著二〇二〇年疫情爆發,世界各地的城市、人和經濟活動都暫停了下來,松浦浩之一度感到失去創作的意義。他意識到迄今他自認為多是按照個人情感來創作,但實際上他的作品都是時代的產物,與家人、朋友、社會乃至於世界息息相關。於是他在沉潛蟄伏的期間,為一片靜寂的世界— Quiet World —創造出一系列有別於以往的角色,他說:「在角色堅毅的眼神中,我寄予了對新世界的期許」。此展將可見到更多松浦浩之對世事的反思,以及標註著時代印記的「SUPER ACRYLIC SKIN」。


    ESLITE GALLERY is pleased to present a Hiroyuki Matsuura solo exhibition, “SUPER ACRYLIC SKIN—Quiet World,” from 05 September to 04 October 2020, featuring canvas works, prints, sculptures, works on paper as well as limited edition soft-vinyl figures by the versatile artist. This marks Matsuura’s first solo exhibition in Taiwan in 12 years.

    “‘Characters’ are imaginary yet real beings. Think for a moment of a world without them, how lonely would many feel? This is proof of their existence.” Before anime became a prominent art genre, Hiroyuki Matsuura had already begun creating “characters” twenty years ago. Drawing from childhood recollections of animation and soft vinyl toys, he invents “characters” as a second human species and names them “Super Acrylic Skin.” He often uses “characters” to express a universal human condition. For instance, the tryptic The Nornir-Trigonal Clone shows Norse mythical goddesses with duplicated facial expressions and stunned eyes to portray a tenacious but also superstitious world, and the pervading sense of helplessness amongst today’s Japanese youths. In The End of Beginning is a dark hero about whom Matsuura explains, “In this new era we do not need obedient heroes, but those who sustain their faith even in times of darkness.” THE APPLE, which comes in canvas, sculpture and figurine versions, refers to the “forbidden fruit,” which has been a symbol of “love” and “health” since ancient times but now has become synonymous to “technology.” Here Matsuura asks, “What is your Apple?”

    As the world comes to a halt due to COVID-19 in 2020, Matsuura said he was for a while overwhelmed by a feeling of powerlessness. “It dawned on me that I had always thought of my works as manifestations of personal feelings, but in truth I am influenced by time, and that my works are tied to my family, friends, the society and the world we live in.” A series of works then arose from his determination to paint in a “Quiet World.” Many works are marked by time, containing elements rarely seen thus far in his practice. His new “Super Acrylic Skin” characters are gazing straight at the future, and in their unwavering gaze, is Matsuura’s faith in the new world.


誠品畫廊松浦浩之Super Acrylic SkinQuiet World松浦浩之個展


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