

【後病毒夢夢夢】 Lulu Lin 個展

  • 展期

    日期:2020-09-19 ~ 2020-10-11

  • 地點


  • 參展藝術家

    Lulu Lin

  • –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
    展期|2020.9.19 Sat. — 2020.10.11 Sun.
    地點|朋丁 pon ding 3樓
    開幕|2020.9.19 Sat. 15:00-18:00 藝術家在廊


    Every day amid COVID-19 seems so otherworldly, the new reality is with a hint of chaos and a surreal, intensified sense of alienation. The crisis has demanded collective changes in behaviour and placed significant psychological distress on individuals. These unprecedented times face each and every one of us with shared and unique experiences.
    I started this short series in the beginning of the lockdown in Denmark and therefore the project was done during quarantine. The work should be seen as a post-pandemic or post-humanist practice. As we have always been projecting outside of us, when the pandemic threw us into ourselves and faced us with seclusion, we had the chance to come into contact with what’s going on around us inside us, to re-examine the boundaries we draw in our conscious and unconscious minds, and to anticipate the heterogeneity of consciousness.
    In addition to challenging the existing viewpoints, I hope my work would inspire the pursuit of a new balance to the conflicts within the self and between the self and otherness, as well as to provide an outlook to imagine a brighter future. I wish you all the best.

    Lulu Lin 自由創作者
    Facebook: 在家工作者 -dah
    Instagram: da__h_

朋丁Lulu Lin


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朋丁 pon ding

【展覽預告: 吳睿哲《有蚱蜢跳》原畫展⁣】

日期:2023-10-13 ~ 2023-10-29|台灣,台北市

朋丁 pon ding


日期:2023-06-03 ~ 2023-06-25|台灣,台北市