【Expired Malfunctions】Hyeon O Solo Exhibition

日期:2025-01-03 ~ 2025-01-18
Expired Malfunctions
本次展覽〈Expired Malfunctions〉重新詮釋了在資本主義社會中,為了追求完美的系統制度過程中所出現的「錯誤」與「失敗」。展覽探索了由「時間失效」、「無效算式」、以及「損壞數據」所創造的意外之美。像是水滴蒸發形成了雲,再以雨水的形式重返大地一盎,我們的記憶同樣在不斷地蒸發、凝結,並以全新的形式回到我們身邊。這種記憶的循環有時成為了我們逃脫標準化秩序的關鍵。
Exhibition Statement
We believe we are constantly moving forward. Time flows linearly, progress is inevitable, and such systems will eventually become perfect. However, in reality, we might simply be stuck in the same place, endlessly repeating the same cycles. Just as water evaporates and returns to the earth as rain, our memories continuously circulate, shaping the present. We are beings who live in the present through the memories of the past.
This exhibition, Expired Malfunctions, reinterprets the "errors" and "failures" that occur in the pursuit of perfect systems within capitalist society. It explores the unexpected beauty created by “invalid time” “non-functioning algorithms," and "corrupted data." Much like water droplets evaporate to form clouds and return to the earth as rain, our memories also evaporate, condense, and return to us in entirely new forms. This cycle of memory sometimes becomes the key that liberates us from standardized order.