


  • 展期

    日期:2016-04-30 ~ 2016-04-30

  • 地點


  • *免費入場!




    How long does it take to turn a rural artist residency site into a sustainable creative hub? Bamboo Curtain Studio is situated along the green belt of Tamsui River course right before the waterway joins the ocean. An environment with a multitude of vulnerabilities becomes the inspiration for many artists and creative minds. Together we have discovered that it is increasingly difficult to match the scope of our creativities with the drastic climate change that hits the Plum Tree Creek—a tributary of the Tamsui River—area in violent forms of cloudbursts and floods. That is why we are eager to reach beyond the arts communities, and share our thoughts and experiences with other environmentally conscious friends.

    On this year’s International Earth Day, we invite our eco-friendly partners to gather in BCS’s 2,400 square-meter ground and “Make an Eco-Friendly Hub,” a site covering small arenas but housing wild imaginations. Here, each and every one of the participants is a member of the environmentally conscious team, and all activities that take place are reflections of our daily lives: lectures about ideals and practice in the field, knowledge exchange on the square, fun in the garden, sing-songs along the runway, shopping spree in the bazaar… Say if you get tired, have some snacks and brainstorm on more potential eco projects to come.

    As a continuation of 2014’s Playday in Zhuwei, we are “Making an Eco-Friendly Hub”—a sustainable possibility in addition to the idea of an artist residency. We invite all of you, here and there and near and far, to come and join us for fun conversations and genuine exchange. Together, we co-exist with the environment and co-create with each other.

    【竹圍社區鐵門說故事特展 Zhuwei Community (Exhibit of Rolling Shutters in Zhuwei)】
    from 2016.04.25 Everyday

    □ 雅加達早餐店(新北市淡水區民族路16號)
    □ 府城體育公園杏仁豆腐冰(新北市淡水區民族路29巷14-1號)
    □ 百事特早餐店(新北市淡水區民族路29巷14號)
    □ 樹男咖啡館(新北市淡水區民生路52巷8號)
    □ 大谷金餐飲小舖(新北市淡水區民族路3號)
    □ 竹圍工作室(新北市淡水區中正東路二段88巷39號)

    Google Map定位:http://bit.ly/ZhuweiMAP

    【竹圍工作室開放日 Bamboo Curtain Studio (Open Studio)】
    2014.04.30(六) 11:00-20:00

    □ 小客廳 Lectures and Videos in The Living Room
    □ 培養皿 “How to Write a Proposal?” in Incubator
    □ 雕塑工坊 Open The Sculpture Studio: Joan Chang
    □ 花開 Open The Glass Room: Lin Chen-Wei
    □ 研究室 The Study: One Day Exhibition
    □ 實驗室 Open The Lab
    □ 閣樓 Not a Table game in The Loft
    □ 果醬花園+廚房 Eco-Friendly Market in The Jam Garden & Kitchen
    □ 十二柱 Sun Son Theatre “OVER THE SHADOW” in The 12 Bamboos



    □ 竹圍宵夜團

    □ 村民交流會

    □ 塑膠繩相連到天邊

    □ 游擊曬版日



    指導/贊助單位:文化部、台北市文化局、財團法人國家文化藝術基金會、台新銀行文化藝術基金會、明緯企業、Arts Collaboratory(DOEN 基金會)



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