


  • 展期

    日期:2018-10-13 ~ 2018-10-18

  • 地點


  • 參展藝術家


  • 活在這個世代的文明當中,每當接觸到小群體還是大群體,當融入當中成為當中的一份子,無形中衍生出來共同的話題與共同嗜好,但是離開了群體以後回到了個體,自我意識又是什麼,又要如何定義自己在這宇宙間穿梭的存在價值。近期在創作時的出發點與想法往往都會受到時間與空間的限制,因此需要經過一次又一次的不斷的在潛意識當中過濾與省思新的作品的方向,這方向是不需要被世界牽著鼻子走的,在這一切混亂與糾結當中只能一再的說服自己,作品之所以產生以及存在意義,是來自於海邊小浪前的細沙,冰冰涼涼的,等著忙碌的人把鞋子連襪子一起脫了就去踏一踏、感覺一下在腳底下的感觸。這種暫時的美好有時候跟美學一點關係都沒有,而是一項記錄在個人行事曆上最後未打勾的行程,表面似乎沒那麼重要卻能給人驚喜,在雙腳終究踏出了細沙後的那一剎那,它仍然在大自然當中不斷運行等著下一個過客去體會。

    Living in the modern civilization, whenever we encounter a small or large group of people we may find a common language or common vision that we felt very much a part of. However, once we leave these setting and be alone once again, the consciousness of our own identity began to take place, questions like how are we going to relive and redefine our relation with the universe as a whole, gradually sets in. During a time of preparation for an exhibition such as this, the limitation of time and space can always get in the way of the full portrayal of an artist. Therefore, a trial of eliminating ideas always takes place subconsciously, ever changing the course of my art direction many times over.
    The aim however is to avoid the perspective of our current society. Being deeply humbled by the past history of art and those who made art seem so magnificent in its craftsmanship and courage to present anything at all. I arrive at a point to finally make peace with myself the creator, seeing painting as something to be as insignificant and blissful as the wet sand laying beneath the shore, ever so soft and smooth, quietly waiting on anyone who takes off their socks and shoes to tread along the seashore on a fine day.
    It may or may not have anything to do with the essence of beauty or better yet, be on a bucket list. But It holds no threat and no requirements for the approach. When all is said and done, what is left is a faded trail of foot print and a refreshed heart after the encounter with nature and truth. Hence the better end of being at the receiving end of art rather than the giver.

    【畫.不多說】鄭立禹 個展
    展覽日期︱2018.10.13 Sat ─ 10.18 Thu
    開幕茶會︱10.13 Sat 3:00pm
    展出地點︱師大德群畫廊 台北市大安區師大路1號



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