

【走路、彎道、說話、尿尿 - 國立台南藝術大學造形藝術所新秀聯展】

  • 展期

    日期:2018-12-01 ~ 2018-12-23

  • 地點

    台北市大安區忠孝東路四段 7號13樓(白石畫廊 忠孝空間 )

  • 偶爾在紙上或畫布上塗塗抹抹,就走出了一條路;多一筆少一筆就成了不一樣的東西;有時是一來一往的話語;又有時是不經思索的排放。於是有了這樣的起頭。




    展名|走路、彎道、說話、尿尿 - 國立台南藝術大學造形藝術所新秀聯展
    藝術家|周佳慧、徐立軒、劉思佑、CC Kua
    展期|2018年12月1日 (六) – 12月23日 (日)
    開幕&藝術家導覽|2018年12月1日 (六) 16:00
    地點|白石畫廊 · 台北 忠孝空間 〈台北市大安區忠孝東路四段7號13樓〉

    From time to time, a path is created by smearing on canvas or paper. Every stroke matters, whether they merge or collide, they keep the conversation going, and sometimes it’s merely expression without second thoughts.

    These words ‘Walking’, ‘Road Curve’, ‘Speaking’, ‘Peeing’, represent the artists’ state of drawing or painting respectively. They seem to be irrelevant; but they don’t contradict each other. Just like our exhibiting works, they wave to you in a friendly manner, and the next second you got pushed away! It’s the tension we wish to create.

    From the shown works, we are aware of four different personalities, connected by the common experience of the overloaded information age. Fragments of information and message intersect in our daily life, sometimes we feel related but sometimes we don’t. Let us put it this way: if our original cognitive system is referred as a string of beads, and out of sudden the knot is broken, while the beads fall, we feel a kind of emptiness and strangeness, or even alienation – our thoughts are detached. However, thanks to this magical moment, we can have our imagination wander again in order to have a whole new vision.

    Rather than giving a whole new direction to the audience, we intend to reconstruct elements that we are familiar with. The meaning of things is disrupted and redefined, the ‘signifier’ and the ‘signified’ no longer have an absolute connection; as if looking back at the nascent state: the painter puts a few strokes down, step back, take a look before he/she…

    Title|Walking, Road curve, Speaking, Peeing: Group exhibition of new talents from Tainan National University of the Arts, Graduate of Plastic Arts
    Artists|Chou Chia-Huei、Hsu Li-Hsuan、LIU Szu-Yu、CC Kua
    Date|December 1 (Sat)– December 23, 2018 (Sun)
    Opening & Guided tour|December 1 (Sat) 4pm.
    Venue|Whitestone Gallery Taipei Zhongxiao: 13/F., No. 7, Sec. 4, ZhongXiao E. Road., Da'an Dist., Taipei city

台北市大安區忠孝東路四段 7號13樓國立台南藝術大學


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