日期:2019-05-03 ~ 2019-06-30
展覽 |找一個休息的地方
Exhibition|Looking For A Place To Sleep
Duration|May 3 - June 30, 2019
Artist|Kaspar Bonnén
「卡斯帕爾·波恩描繪空間」,一句簡潔有力的話語, 成為直指藝術家作品內涵的精確導引。1990年代中期以來,藝術家兼作家卡斯帕爾·波恩透過他的繪畫、雕塑、攝影等視覺藝術創作與詩歌作品,來表達其對自身與空間之間的關注。就是基於這樣的藝術實踐,讓波恩成為1990年代丹麥繪畫復興中的指標人物。
卡斯帕爾·波恩個展《找一個休息的地方》將於五月三日 下午七點十五分開幕,路由藝術在此邀請各位一同共襄盛舉!
Kaspar Bonnén paints spaces. That could be the introductory statement; brief, but precise and to the point. For since the middle of the 1990s, the visual artist and writer Kaspar Bonnén has concerned himself with spaces, both in his poetry and, in particular, in his visual art, which besides painting also includes sculpture and photography. It is against the background of this artistic practice that Bonnén now stands as one of the most significant figures in the renewal of Danish painting which took place in the 1990s.
When Bonnén paints the remembered space, he also paints that which is experienced, the sensory perception of the space in which the remembered occurs. Entering them takes time, for whether the painting is the smooth type with the paint added in thin layers, or the more pastose variety, dominated by the exaggerated tactility of the brushstrokes, neither the space nor the perspective is immediately readable. And this is not just because Bonnén has long since abandoned the classic central perspective with its stringent spatial constructions, but also because the background and the foreground of the pictures often overlap; indeed, the distinction sometimes dissolves, as in the pastose paintings. It is at any rate difficult to determine what lies in the background and in the foreground of the pictures. At first glance they can thus seem almost entirely abstract, like shimmering colours – more of a motif in dissolution than creation. When you have gazed for a sufficiently long time, however, the spaces portrayed acquire depth, and the individual objects take on shape and form. Observing Bonnén's paintings thus takes time. Indeed, it almost seems as though time and the passage of time are painted into the paintings, inasmuch as they resist immediate readability. One is thus tempted to claim that Bonnén does not portray a space as a concrete or measurable place, but rather as a chronological and bodily experience. Hence the plurality, and hence the many spaces–because these are spaces as they are both sensed, lived, experienced, remembered and revisited; because these, and the displacements between them, are what he paints.
When we regard Bonnén's work, we are not merely in the artist's home; not just in the living-room as a physical space, but also as a lived space: the living-room as condition. In this respect his works are not just about the immediate and intimate, about the banal poetic aspects of the daily routine. They are also about the observer's perceptions, and about the fundamental challenge that lies in turning a multidimensional surface into a three-dimensional space. About how to communicate a bodily experience, and how to give visual form to a recollection. All of which extends beyond the personal context and ensures that his painting, despite the private references, is never hermetically closed in upon itself, never so personal that it does not also concern you as a person. In this sense, while he is painting his own private spaces, he is also painting yours.
The opening of Kaspar Bonnén solo exhibition "Looking For A Place To Sleep" will be held on May 3 (Fri.) 7:15 P.M. We sincerely invite you to come and enjoy a wonderful night with us!
|文章改編自「空間中的空間」–Kaspar Bonnén的繪畫方法, Camilla Jalving, 2006
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