

【一萬小時定律 ONCE】第55屆畢業設計展

  • 展期

    日期:2019-05-30 ~ 2019-06-03

  • 地點

    台北松山文創園區 多功能展演廳(台北市台北市信義區光復南路133號)

  • 「一萬小時的錘鍊是任何人從平凡變成超凡的必要條件。」─格拉德威爾





    1. 本屆畢業班學生,以個人為單位製作的畢業設計
    2. 本屆畢業班學生自發組成之畢籌會,以團體為單位製作的畢業展覽。


    “Ten thousand hour rule is a necessary condition for anyone to transform into extraordinary.” ─ Malcolm Gladwell

    We spent five years in architecture profession; the totaling ten thousand hours were just the beginning of our career. The pronunciation “ONCE” is similar to “Ten thousand” in Chinese. We accumulate experiences and transfer our original ideas through thesis design during this period, trying to share the inspiration and keep holding the enthusiasm at the beginning.

    Chung Yuan Dep. Of Architecture established in 1960, entering its fifty-ninth year. As soon to be the 60th anniversary of this establishment, the Class of 2019 (55th) will soon follow the footsteps of being the architect society. In the past three years, our seniors took our shared beliefs in social concerning and practiced in the Grand View gardens in Chungli, which invigorated a military kindred village with an injection of youth and creativity, turning our five years study in architecture profession into seeds that care about the social environment.

    This year, we continued to curate our project thesis show with the spirit of social environment caring. We unveil this side of our spirit with this exhibition in Songshan Cultural and Creative Park, for visitors to see and engaged first handed with students. This is the first time for Chung Yuan Dep. Of Architecture to independently curate a project thesis show in the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park. 68 students of the class of 2019 (55th), with different studios focusing on diverse issues, presenting a new vision. This ten thousand hours is an ending chapter of our architecture student study but the beginning of our professional architect life.
    Exhibiting a project thesis show each year is one of the long-running traditions of Chung Yuan Dep. Of Architecture. By hosting the exhibition, not only can we look back on our architecture studies but also have an opportunity to present the best of ourselves. The contents for the Class of 2019(55th) to express all the experience we gained of this ten thousand hours through this show.
    1. Class of 2019(55th) design a project thesis based on personal inspiration.
    2. Class of 2019(55th) curates a project thesis show.

    We seek out respected professionals and prestigious firm to sponsor and give direction to our project thesis show. While finishing our individual project thesis, we curated the exhibition and planned the show space into a round off outcome.
    The students of CYCU Dep. Of Architecture gains abilities in organizing events through the process of communication, spatial organization, curation, and social media marketing. By showcasing this thesis project show, we reflect on our professional skills and immersing the visitors into the aspects of an architecture students’ professional life.

    日期 Dates:

    每日開放時間如下 Daily Opening Hours:
    2019/5/30 12:00-21:00
    2019/5/31-2019/6/2 9:00-21:00
    2019/6/3 9:00-17:00

    舉辦地點 Location:
    台北松山文創園區 多功能展演廳(台北市台北市信義區光復南路133號)

    票務資訊 Prices and ticketing:
    免費參觀 Free of charge


    5/30 14:00-17:00 開幕式
    5/31 15:00-17:00 演講 (講者李霽)
    5/31 19:00-21:00 演講 (講者曾蘇銘)

    Instagram粉絲專頁:ONCE萬時/中原建築畢展2019 (https://www.instagram.com/once_cycu2019/)

中原建築一萬小時定律 ONCE畢業展


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