ART TAICHUNG 2023 台中藝術博覽會


    李怡萱1990年出⽣於新北蘆洲,國立臺中教育⼤學美術學系創作組碩⼠畢業。入圍第⼆屆「構圖台灣」決選、入圍2021 台北藝博MIT新⼈推薦特區,並於2021年⾸次在阿波羅畫廊舉⾏個展。這次展出《沉靜與孤寂系列》,他使⽤壓克⼒、礦物顏料、⾦箔等,罩染出這個邊界模糊的世代。

    Lee Yi-Hsuan 1990 Born in Luzhou, New Taipei City. Graduated from the Master of Fine Arts, National Taichung University of Education. She got selected as new talent of the " MIT" at Art Taipei in 2021. She held solo exhibition at Apollo Gallery in 2021. At Art Taichung we are exhibiting Lee Yi-Hsuan's recent

    art works called " Silence and loneliness".