實驗性氛圍強烈的馬修·史東 (Matthew Stone) 為南倫敦藝術團體的活躍份子,自 2004 年畢業於倫敦坎伯韋爾藝術學院後即一鳴驚人,2016 年更獲邀於倫敦藝術殿堂「Somerset House 美術館」展出。Stone 的創作實踐結合藝術家親手繪製的獨有性、以及數位構建的可能性,並在他特有的混合式創作過程中創造出獨一無二的視覺體驗。
2022 年起他更首次將最新的 AI 繪圖模型《DALL•E 2》技術導入自己的繪畫創作。此次現身 Art Taipei 的將是他創作於 2023 年的九幅 AI 人工智能畫作,通過這種跨學科的實踐方式,Stone 對普遍不假思索地將 “模擬的創作美學” 與 “數位生成藝術” 做出區隔的敘事性提出質疑。反之,他藉由 AI 畫作提出:圖像創作——無論是以模擬或是數位的形式——都是為觀者創造出屬於自己的“虛擬現實”,這取決於物理上的感受。藉由拋出這樣的闡述,Stone 也回應了:“自身存在”與“數位生活“並非二元對立的物質性立場。
Matthew Stone is an artist and cultural provocateur who works across a number of disciplines, including painting, sculpture, photography, and performance. Following his graduation from the Camberwell College of Arts in 2004, Stone became a formative member of the !WOWOW! art collective.
Combining the idiosyncrasies of the artist's hand with the possibilities of digital manipulation, Stone's impressive figurative practice involves painting brushstrokes on clear glass, photographing them, recreating them using digital modeling software, and then printing them onto linen canvases.
Mr. Wing Gallery presents Stone’s latest nine pieces of AI painting that incorporate the AI system, DALL·E 2, into his work. Stone uses the innovative process to interpret his own paintings and produce material for new works. Through this cross-disciplinary practice, Stone challenges a narrative that unthinkingly divorces the analogue from the digital. Instead, he proposes that image making, analogue or digital, creates its own “virtual reality” for the viewer, that is dependent on the physical. Be it on a screen or canvas, hanging on the walls of a gallery, visual art creates illusionistic worlds. As such, in his own words, Stone commits to a “non-dualist position situated in the embodied materiality of both ‘digital’ and ‘physical’ realms.”