「清風藝廊」將為 Art Taipei 帶來三件蔡志松近年來最受藝術圈讚譽、同時備受藏家追捧的「家園」系列作品:靈動的梅花鹿雕像《迎》、以及深具視覺和語意張力的孔雀雕塑的《升 2#》、《升 3#》。後兩件作品尤其採用了最適合展現軀體之美的經典“十字架”造型,不同之處在於:在西方傳統雕塑的體系內,主要以人體型態來展示技術水平;而蔡志松卻以孔雀為主體,在十字造型的基礎上做了進一步的擬人化誇張處理。這樣的藝術表現方式,不是刻意營造正常與反常之間的衝突,而是隱含著現實與超現實之間一種難以言說的微妙狀態。蔡志松以存在於現實之中的動物形象,表達出一種超常的、甚至足以作為“新現實”的精神探索。
Cai Zhisong's works show profound humanistic values and concern for life, but they are mixed with Western-style modern language. He outlines the aura and demeanor of realistic forms with profound skills, and then gradually resets them to the modern context through rational deconstruction, and finally breaks the public's established concept of art with avant-garde and fashionable expressiveness.
Mr. Wing Gallery will presents for Art Taipei three pieces of sculptures form Cai’s “Homeland” series, which is the most critically acclaimed and highly recognized, in the meantime the most sought after by the art collectors among the artists’s resent practices.