《相守的綠松石》是一件模稜兩可的作品。 這是一幅被撕成兩半並被拉伸的單色畫?還是兩幅畫實際上在尋求彼此的聯繫? 像這樣的東西怎麼掛? 德邦特沒有給出明確的答案。作品可以用多種方式懸掛:彼此相鄰或相對,之間有空間; 同時在牆上和地板上或在角落裡。 由觀者或藏家決定。總而言之,這是一幅極其靈活的作品,與一般對繪畫的期望背道而馳。
Tied Turquoise is an ambiguous work. Is it a monochrome painting torn in two and stretched or is it two paintings actually seeking connection with each other? How do you hang something like this? De Bont gives no unequivocal answer. The work can be hung in various ways; next to and against each other, with space in between; on the wall and on the floor at the same time or in a corner. It is up to the viewer or buyer to decide. The result is an extremely flexible work that goes against what is usually expected of a painting.