Time and Space (Orange)
尺寸:88x88 cm
材質:Natural earth color, and pigment on canvas
畫面中心的蓮花象徵著出淤泥而不染的美麗,代表著一個人的心靈成長歷程,正如蓮 花從黑暗的污泥中生長升起一樣,佛教修行者的目標是超越痛苦和無名,努力追求精 神純潔和證悟,即使他們被象徵著物質的財富誘惑和極具吸引力的絲綢和珠寶所包圍。 Pasa以和諧的構圖邀請觀眾思考和反思他們的內心精神之旅,這幅畫抓住了佛教 的精髓,並在當代實踐中直觀地展現了佛教的深刻概念。
This painting seeks to spread Buddhist views and philosophy through symbolism, and expressive rich color, incorporating the techniques of centuries-old traditional Thangka painting.
At the center of the painting, the lotus flower symbolizes its ability to grow from muddy waters and emerge immaculate and beautiful, representing the journey of an individual’s spiritual development. Just as the lotus rises above the murky depths, Buddhist practitioners aim to transcend suffering and ignorance, striving for spiritual purity and the realization of enlightenment, even though they are surrounded by the intricate silk and jewels which symbolize the allure and attractiveness of material possessions. The harmonious composition invites viewers to contemplate and reflect on their spiritual journey. The painting captures the essence of Buddhism, offering a visual representation of its profound concepts in contemporary practice.