Transitory experiences #2
尺寸:110x110 cm
材質:Natural earth color, and pigment on canvas
Pasa 從不丹傳統火葬儀式後的骨灰以絲巾包裹並撒入河中的儀式中汲取靈感, 從喜馬拉雅山脈流出的大河被認為具有淨化精神和身體的功用。不丹人相信用絲巾(哈達) 包裹骨灰並撒入大河,有助於逝者前往來世,讓他們獲得“解脫”(從輪迴中解脫出來), 紅色的絲帶象徵著生命的本質終將回歸自然,讓他們的靈魂在流水中繼續旅程,並確保逝者靈魂的平靜過渡。
A red silk scarf, delicate and graceful, dances on the breeze, interweaving with the river’s flow, it finds its ease. In harmony they sway, the river and silk scarf, Bound by nature’s grace, like an eternal star graph.
So, let this painting be a tribute to their graceful flight, The dramatic river’s flow, and the scarf’s woven delight. May their union inspire, in every soul it touches, A reminder of nature’s beauty that forever bewitches.
Drawing inspiration from Bhutanese tradition, dispersing the silk scarf with ashes in the river after the cremation ceremony of a deceased person. Many big rivers in the Himalayas are believed to have purifying qualities, both spiritually and physically. The Bhutanese believe that scattering the ashes with a silk scarf (khata) in the big river helps facilitate the deceased’s journey to the afterlife and brings them closer to attaining “Moksha” (liberation from the cycle of rebirth). The red silk scarf symbolizes the return of the deceased’s essence to nature, allowing their spirit to continue its journey in the flowing water and ensure a peaceful transition for the departed soul.