1995年生於臺灣桃園,畢業於國立臺北藝術大學美術系創作碩士班,曾獲國藝會創作補助 (2023)、「世安美學獎」造型藝術類(2022)、「南瀛獎」空間與複合媒體類類別獎(2022)、文化部扶植青年藝術 發展補助(2021)、「當代雕塑麗寶創作獎」入選(2019)、「龍顏藝術創作獎」(2018)、「美術創作卓越獎」 (2017)等,在藝術創作領域中嶄露頭角。 彭思錡創作養分來自東⽅的書畫裝裱、工精神,為了探索書畫經驗 的可能,作品多以陶瓷、複合媒材、空間裝置實踐,並帶入日常親密物件,聯結個人情感與生命之間的消長,試 圖並存輕與重、逝去與保存、虛構與真實的關係,牽引出⼀條通往私密深淵的路徑。
Peng Si-Qi was born in Taoyuan, Taiwan in 1995 and graduated from the Institute of Fine Arts at Taipei National University of the Arts. She has gained recognition in the field of artistic creation, gained “S-An aesthetics award”, “The 26th Nanying Award, Speace Art and Mixed Media”, “Supporting youth art development subsidies - Ministry of Culture”, ”The 2nd Contemporary Sculpture Lih Pao Prize, Selected”, “The 12th Long-Yen Foundation Creative Arts Award”. Peng Si-qi is inspired by the mounting and binding techniques for books and paintings as well as the craftsmanship of the East. Her works often take the forms of ceramics, mixed media and space installations, involving familiar everyday objects hinting at the personal emotions and the ebb and flow of life. She aims to preserve both the light and the weight, the lost and the preserved, fiction and reality, drawing a path into the abyss of intimacy.