黃文英出⽣於台灣彰化,畢業於美國匡溪藝術學院,主修纖維藝術。曾經擔任⼤學講師與副教授,⽬前專職創作,致⼒於推廣⼿⼯梭織。黃文英的織品創作曾多次受邀在⾼雄市立美術館展出,更在世界各地,如浙江美術館、杭州中國絲綢博物館、深圳市關⼭⽉美術館、⽇本⾦澤市21世紀美術館、紐約市Godwin-Ternbach Museum、美國聖荷⻄市拼布與織物博物館、荷蘭Rijswij博物館、奧地利哈斯拉克織物中⼼、丹麥及立陶宛等地展出,被視為台灣織品藝術的代表⼈。阿波羅畫廊於今年邀請黃文英參與畫廊舉辦的《經緯畫宇 vs 氈捻塑像》纖維藝術聯展。
Huang Wen-Ying was born in Changhua, Taiwan, and graduated from the Kuang-Chi Institute of Fiber Arts in the United States, majoring in fiber arts. She has served as a university lecturer and associate professor and is currently dedicated to her creative work, focusing on promoting hand weaving. Huang Wen-Ying's woven creations have been invited to be exhibited multiple times at the Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts. Her works have also been showcased in various locations worldwide, including the Zhejiang Art Museum and Hangzhou China Silk Museum in China, Guanshan Yue Art Museum in Shenzhen, 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art in Kanazawa, Godwin-Ternbach Museum in New York City, San Jose Museum of Quilts & Textiles in the United States, Rijswijk Museum in the Netherlands, Haslach Textile Center in Austria, and Denmark and Lithuania, among others. Apollo Art Gallery invited Huang Wen-Ying to participate in a fiber art group exhibition organized by the gallery this year.