一九八二年生於台北, 二〇〇九年取得清華大學藝術與設計研究所碩士學位。邱掇趨近抽象表現的繪畫風格獨樹一格,其創作脈絡清晰且具延續性。他是一位感受型的創作者,將自身對於環境、空間,以及人事物等各種情感,透過繪畫的方式真誠的表露。他在各種創作媒材形式中來回(壓克力顏料、 鉛筆、炭筆、蠟筆、色鉛筆),嘗試於基底畫布上撞擊出不一樣的火花。於 二〇二〇年開始創作彩色的作品。不同於黑、白、點線面,彩色成為他的第四種表述、第四種維度。彩色作品顯得更溫柔感性,似乎具備更多屬於創作者的溫度。
Born in 1982, in Taipei, Taiwan. In 2009, Chiu earned his Master’s from the Graduate Institute of Fine Arts and Crafts, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan. Chiu’s style is distinctive with his affinity to abstract expressionism and the internal consistency and expandability of his aesthetics. Chiu’s intuition and sensitivity are reflected by his meticulous translation of impressions, inspired by the environment, space itself, places, persons, and things, to paintings. He experiments with the effects of various media, pencils, charcoals, pastels, and colored pencils, in hopes of striking a synergetic spark. In 2020, Chiu embarked on an exploration of multicolor, adding a fourth dimension to the previous interplay between lines, dots, and planes of black and white. Incorporating colors has allowed Chiu to modulate tenderness and warmth more directly in his works.