藝文直擊─ 台北當代藝術館:【魔境】澳洲當代新藝術展
Over the past twenty years Australia has been developing strong relations with Asia, including Taiwan, primarily through trade, investment, and research and development cooperation. Its resilient economy and highly respected judicial system have made it a sought after business partner in the region. According to the United Nations Human Development Index it is one of the best places in the world to live, and increasingly young Taiwanese choose to study in Australia obtaining world-class education while enjoying the good atmosphere. Even so, for most Taiwanese the country remains a mystery and many still hold stereotypes about it, notions of which should have long expired.
The Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei is proud to present "WONDERLAND: New Contemporary Art from Australia" as the first survey exhibition of Australian art in Taiwan in the new millennium. The exhibition aims to express the dynamic processes of rethinking Australia's identity and its place in the Asia-Pacific region. It promotes the values of respect between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people, openness and tolerance, creative innovation and excellence, and a growing sense of environmental responsibility.
Further, in surveying contemporary art the exhibition brings an unusual cross-section of media, art forms and processes: found objects sit next to hand-made sculpture; documentary video next to abstract moving images; paintings next to interactive installations. Explored in their own right the 45 artworks created by 27 artists and several production teams, offer diverse pathways leading to another kind of wonderland: one found in inspiration, curiosity, and unexpected encounters.
A great work of art can take us to places in our heart, soul and mind impossible to reach by other means. It is how culture is shared between one place and another, we experience it in our own unique individual way but the exchange and sharing benefits us all as a community. We all hope the exhibition expresses not only a fresh proposition of Australia but also new ways of thinking about and exploring art.
藝術家|伊麗莎白.戴樂福、里昂.奇米勒司基、約瑟芬.斯達爾斯、克萊.絲蒂曼、馬汀.沃爾區、約瑟芬.史塔斯、潔斯敏.塔吉特、艾力克斯.戴維斯、凱絲.羅賓森、馬修.金顧爾德費歐納‧羅依、丹尼爾‧寇克斯、喬治.庫特、潔絲.麥克尼爾、約翰‧麥寇爾麥克、空氣皮里斯拉.布拉克、嘉文.薩德、瓊安.蘿斯、克萊.絲蒂曼、安娜‧達文、費歐納‧羅依、奇楠.唐、班迪.柯爾、 茱莉‧道寧、約翰‧麥寇爾麥克、茱莉.雷德、馬修.嘉德納、克利斯.杭仕克
Artists|Elizabeth Delfs, Leon Cmielewski, Josephine Starrs, Kylie Stillman, Martin Walch, Josephine Starrs, Jasmine Targett, Alex Davies, Cath Robinson, Matthew Gingold, Fiona Lowry, Daniel Crooks, George Poonkhin Khut, Jess MacNeil, Jon McCormack, Kuuki:Priscilla Bracks &Gavin Sade, Kylie Stillman, Joan Ross, Anna Davern, Fiona Lowry, Kynan Tan, Bindi Cole, Julie Dowling, Jon McCormack, Julie Ryder, Matthew Gardiner, and Chris Henschke.
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耿畫廊|紀嘉華個展:深邃微妙 Perplexity