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全球人類歷經兩年的考驗,因為疫情的緣故,我們變得無法行動自如,對於時間流逝感,感到更加深刻,遙望復甦彼岸之際, Time Series誕生了,Naufal Abshar更多的是向內求索與對話,對他而言,時間創造故事、創造生命,任何情緒轉折或是情節都只有發生在此時此刻,下秒便化作歷史。他透過一連串揭露時間相關可能性的探索與實驗,彰顯它的珍貴,本次在台發表的芭雷主題裡,藝術家用帶模糊感的刷痕再現腦海中舞者的動態殘像,體現生命的瞬息萬變,曼妙舞姿伴隨優美樂音在靈魂深處持續迴盪,彼時彼刻的感動將在心中流轉發酵。
Due to the pandemic, the people of the entire world have endured challenging circumstances throughout the past two years. We are forbidden from moving freely and have become more aware of the passing of time. The Time Series was born as we glance towards a time in the future when everything will be resuscitated, and the works seem more like inners inquiries and dialogues. For the artist, time is the creator of stories and life, and any emotional or plot changes merely exist in the here and now, becoming history in the next instance. Through a series of explorations and experiments that disclose the possibilities of time, Abshar guides our attention to the value of time. The works centering around ballet that the artist is presenting in Taiwan depict fractured images of ballet dancers through blurred brushstrokes, showcasing the constant changes of life. The graceful dance moves are accompanied by elegant music that lingers in the depth of the soul, fermenting the heart-touching moments of the past.