出⽣於台南善化,國立藝專畢業後前往⻄班牙⾺德⾥藝術學院專攻油畫,並取得碩⼠學位。在⻄班牙旅居39年的胡文賢(Santos Hu),獲得了⼆⼗多項獎項,並六度入選BMW⼤獎,曾在⻄班牙、法國、中國及臺灣等地舉辦個展及國際藝術博覽會,並於今年在阿波羅畫廊合作第11次個展。作品曾被國立臺灣美術館與台南市立美術館典藏。
Born in Shan Hua, Tainan, Santos Hu graduated from National Art College and then went to the Madrid Art Academy in Spain to specialize in oil painting, earning a master's degree. Having lived in Spain for 39 years, Santos Hu has received over twenty awards and has been selected for the BMW Prize six times. He has held solo exhibitions and participated in international art fairs in Spain, France, China, and Taiwan. This year, he collaborated with the Apollo Art Gallery for his 11th solo exhibition. His artworks collected by National Taiwan Fine Arts Museum and Tainan Fine Arts Museum.