ART TAIPEI 台北國際藝術博覽會






    About My Sculpture – 『Scene · Object 』—

    I plan a landscape based on readymade objects available and create new objects from existed scenes. Scene・Object series has been the theme of my art creation in recent years. I tend toleave some remaining fragments of memories in time and space that are about to elapse…

    In this series, I adopt the sculptural concept of piling on that is commonly seen in ceramic sculpture for forming. Ceramic is a traditional material and I intend to add new periodical language in this ancient medium. So I choose found-object, for example those appear in daily life. I adopt the existed form and shape of those objects to make interesting shapes of my artworks. For me, the application of plastic building blocks is like DIY sculpture. Through the piling and building process which is like playing a game, a three-dimensional form in obvious and clear shape could be easily created. Furthermore, amendment or change of forms or shapes could be done anytime. Plastic building blocks deliver a concept that everyone could be sculptors.

    And when the “fast-tempo” and mass-manufactured readymade objects and the “time-consumingly slow” created ceramic sculpture pieces are juxtaposed, it coincidently presents the comparison between “fast” and “slow” in the contemporary contexture.


    2021-「景.物 Lost 」 葉怡利個展,飛皇畫廊x小布查 ,台灣 台北

    2015-「景.物 」小巴廊 x 葉怡利,小巴廊 ,台灣 台北

    2014-「潭陽亭序」葉怡利個展,大潭美術館,韓國 潭陽

    2014-「來許願吧~鈽鈴~鈽鈴 ~胡謅神燈」華山1914文化創意產業園區,台灣 台北

    2009-「2009 葉怡利 個展 」百藝畫廊, 台灣 台北

    2008-“Yeh Yi-Li Video Exposition” Cité Internationale des Arts ,巴黎 法國

    2008-「KUSO-虹彩七仙子」葉怡利個展 , 上海KING空間 中國 上海

    2006-「KUSO-虹彩、春雪、橘花花」---葉怡利個展 關渡美術館 臺北

    2005-「KUSO-春雪、巧克力、遇紅衣」 284自強貳捌肆 替代空間 臺北

    2004-「蠕人kuso神經傳染」個展 竹師藝術空間 新竹

    2000-「母體-生殖交叉分析」個展 美國文化中心 臺北

    1997- 葉怡利 個展 臺北縣立文化中心 臺北