

佐久間友香Yuka SAKUMA

  • Art Space 金魚空間(台北)代理藝術家 :

    佐久間 友香 Yuka SAKUMA

    b. 1990年2月



    アメリカ、日本、台湾を中心に作品を発表している国際的人気画家 佐久間友香は、日本画の伝統画材を使用しつつ、現代のセンスで、少女の特質を、ずば抜けた描写技術で描く。とても精緻に描かれた髪、清く澄んだ目などを作品に溶け込ませ、独特の耽美な世界を築いている。作品中に描かれている煙は、「煙に巻く」という言葉の通り、ものごとを曖昧にしたり、かわしたり、核心の部分を濁してしまう、彼女が持つ女性のイメージを表している。

    Adept at using traditional Japanese materials to depict modern artistic spirit, Yuka further demonstrates her superb drawing skills through the delicate details of her characters’ hair texture and animated eye gaze. Her themes are mostly based on the contrasting morals of modern femininity, such as the virtues of chastity against liberation of sexuality, and the value of innocence against desire of ambition. Yuka cites the retrospect of memories as a key inspiration of her artistic creations, as she phrased : The motif in most of my work is that of the girl. Not the “woman” as it is the "girl" which draws my attraction. There is a freshness and innocence in the body and action of the girl, and are susceptible to a wide range of emotion. While their hearts are still not yet mature, they are acute…and fragile. What is to be lost when becoming an adult, I find that to be truly endearing. In the process of painting a picture, I feel that there is no such thing as completion. When something is added to one part of the picture, the balance with another part may disintegrate and the initial image of the picture may change completely. Each and every work hinges on a fragile equilibrium that has the potential to collapse at any moment. Therefore I approach my work with a gentleness and politeness so as not to offend it. The lines are layered in such a way to caress and cradle the work. This is the feeling that is wrapped up in these girls which are drawn in these works. I feel that when I am painting, I am engaging with the girls I am painting.

    The smoke in her works is a metaphorical reference to the Japanese saying of “Mystification and Avoidance”, an act to blur and misdirect the focus. Yuka has often attributed such a trait onto her characters as a predominant impression of femininity.

    2018年 個展(Art Space 金魚空間,台北)
    2017年 個展 ( gallery kunimatsu aoyama,東京)
    2017年 Art Taipei 台北國際藝術博覽會 2017 (booth G05 : Art Space 金魚空間)
    2017年 雙人聯展「NICOLETTA CECCOLI & YUKA SAKUMA」Corey Helford Gallery,Los Angeles
    2017年 聯展「CBC翔け! 二十歳の記憶 Rookie 展」松坂屋百貨公司名古屋總店美術畫廊
    2017年 聯展「THE edge 現代ARTの先端(頂端)」松坂屋百貨公司名古屋總店美術畫廊
    2017年 聯展「Art Collector Starter Kit」Corey Helford Gallery, Los Angeles
    2016年 聯展「Beneath The New Waves」Corey Helford Gallery, Los Angeles
    2016年 Art Kaohsiung 高雄藝術博覽會 2016(Art Space 金魚空間 booth,台灣)
    2016年 Art Taipei 台北國際藝術博覽會 2016(booth N6 : Art Space 金魚空間)
    2016年 佐久間友香×早川実希 雙人聯展 ( gallery kunimatsu aoyama,東京)
    2016年 個展 (Jiro Miura Gallery, 東京)
    2016年 Formosa Art Show 福爾摩沙國際藝術博覽會 2016(Art Space 金魚空間 booth,台北)
    2016年 日本畫 新銳女畫家三人聯展(Art Space 金魚空間,台北)
    2016年 Art Fair Tokyo 2016(gallery kunimatsu booth)
    2015年 Art Kaohsiung 高雄藝術博覽會 2015(Art Space 金魚空間 booth,台灣)
    2015年 個展 (伊藤美術店,名古屋)
    2015年 Art Fair Tokyo 2015(gallery kunimatsu booth)
    2015年 個展 ( gallery kunimatsu aoyama,東京)
    2014年 Daegu Art Fair 2014 (Jiro Miura Gallery booth, 韓國)
    2014年 個展 (伊勢丹百貨公司新宿店總店5F Art Gallery Window Corner)
    2014年 第2回 Vanilla大賞展 ( Vanilla Gallery, 東京銀座)
    2014年 正月聯展「アートのチカラ(藝術的力量)」伊勢丹新宿總店 (2015年, 2016年, 2017年都有參加)
    2013年 第1回 Vanilla大賞展 ( Vanilla Gallery, 東京銀座)
    2012年 聯展「駄洒落展」art space A-1, 名古屋
    2012年 聯展「見えてた、展(能看見了、展)」Annon堂, 名古屋大須
    2011年 MANIP展(伊東春香 x 佐久間友香 雙人聯展)千駄木空間,東京
    2010年 聯展「いつもそうだわ(似乎總是這樣)」皮細工ぼんず,名古屋大須
    2015年 ART AWARD NEXTⅢ 入圍(主辦單位:東京美術俱樂部)
    2014年 第二回 小泉淳作紀念 鎌倉藝術祭日本畫公募展 入圍
    2014年 第6回 豐橋三年展星野眞吾賞 入圍
    2014年 於第二回 愛知縣三藝大學生選拔 H/ASCA展,獲得優良賞
    2014年 於平成25年度愛知縣立藝術大學畢業・修了制作展,獲得優秀作品賞(作品被大學買下來)
    2013年 於第8回翔け!二十歳の記憶展,獲得審査員賞
    2012年 第17回 三菱Art Gate Program 入圍
    2011年 於第69回 一宮市美術展,獲得美術展賞
    2016年 愛知縣立藝術大學美術系日本畫專攻 碩士班 畢業
    2014年 愛知縣立藝術大學美術系日本畫專攻 畢業
    1990年2月 出生於愛知縣名古屋市

    2016 Graduated from Master’s program of Japanese-style painting at Aichi University of the Arts
    2014 Graduated from Japanese-style painting course at Aichi University of the Arts
    Feb. 1990 born in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture, Japan
    2015 ART AWARD NEXTⅢ / Selected(held by Tokyo Art Club)
    2014 the 2nd Junsaku Koizumi Commemorative Kamakura-Geijutsusai Nihonga Competition / Selected
    2014 the 6th Hoshino Shingo Prize, The Triennial Competition in Toyohashi / Selected
    2014 at the 2nd Students of 3 Art Universities in Aichi Selective H/ASCA exhibition, won Excellence Prize
    2014 at Aichi University of the Arts’ Degree show, won Excellent Prize (the graduation art work was purchased by the University)
    2013 at the 8th Fly! Memory in the Twenty Exhibition, won Jury Prize
    2012 the 17th Mitsubishi Art Gate Program / Selected
    2011 at the 69th Ichinomiya City Art Exhibition, won Art Exhibition Prize
    major exhibitions
    2018 Solo Exhibition(Art Space Kin Gyo Koo Kan,Taipei)
    2017 Solo Exhibition( gallery kunimatsu aoyama, Tokyo)
    2017 Art Taipei 2017 (booth G05 : Art Space Kin Gyo Koo Kan)
    2017 "NICOLETTA CECCOLI & YUKA SAKUMA" Corey Helford Gallery,Los Angeles
    2017 Group Exhibition ”CBC Fly! Memory in the Twenty ~Rookie~ Exhibition" Matsuzakaya Nogoya Main Store Art Gallery
    2017 Group Exhibition ”THE edge : the cutting edge of contemporary art" Matsuzakaya Nogoya Main Store Art Gallery
    2017 Group Exhibition ”Art Collector Starter Kit” Corey Helford Gallery,Los Angeles
    2016 Group Exhibition ”Beneath The New Waves” Corey Helford Gallery,Los Angeles
    2016 Art Kaohsiung 2016 (Art Space Kin Gyo Koo Kan booth, Taiwan)
    2016 Art Taipei 2016 (booth N6 : Art Space Kin Gyo Koo Kan)
    2016 "Yuka SAKUMA × Miki HAYAMAWA" ( gallery kunimatsu aoyama,Tokyo)
    2016 Solo Exhibition (Jiro Miura Gallery, Tokyo)
    2016 Formosa Art Show 2016 (Art Space Kin Gyo Koo Kan booth, Taipei)
    2016 Sanami SHIMADA x Yuka SAKUMA x Yuhi NISHIOKA Japanese-style Painting Group Exhibition(Art Space Kin Gyo Koo Kan, Taipei)
    2016 Art Fair Tokyo 2016(gallery kunimatsu booth)
    2015 Art Kaohsiung 2015 (Art Space Kin Gyo Koo Kan booth, Taiwan)
    2015 Solo Exhibition(itobijyututen, Nagoya)
    2015 Art Fair Tokyo 2015(gallery kunimatsu booth)
    2015 Solo Exhibition( gallery kunimatsu aoyama, Tokyo)
    2014 Daegu Art Fair 2014 (Jiro Miura Gallery booth, Korea)
    2014 Solo Exhibition (ISETAN Shinjuku Main Store 5F Art Gallery Window Corner)
    2014 the 2nd Vanilla AWARD ( Vanilla Gallery, Ginza, Tokyo)
    2014 new year's group show "Power of Art" Isetan Shinjuku Main Store(2015, 2016, 2017 as well)
    2013 the 1st Vanilla AWARD ( Vanilla Gallery, Ginza, Tokyo)
    2012 group show "Da Jya Re Ten" art space A-1, Nagoya
    2012 group show "Mi E Te Ta, Ten" Annon-Dou, Nagoya
    2011 "MANIP Ten : Haruka ITO x Yuka SAKUMA" Sendagi-Kukan,Tokyo
    2010 group show "I Tsu Mo So U Da Wa“ Leather Craft Bonz,Nagoya
