
外琨塔 Vaikuntha 藝術生活中心:【2023台南藝術博覽會】James Hugh Gough

2023-03-02|撰文者:外琨塔 Vaikuntha 藝術生活中心

對James 來說,參加這次 2023 的台南藝術博覽會可說是意義非凡。不只因為她的妻子是台南人,還有台南身為文化首都的氛圍,大至名勝古蹟深厚的歷史文化背景,小至街道上的行人、湛藍的天空、稻田中的風吹草動和各種風景,讓台南在他心中佔有特殊的位置。

James 擅於透過描繪不同場景的變化來表達他對臺灣的情感,從板橋靜僻的小巷,到台北繁華的大街,還有木柵悠閒的郊區和福隆愜意的海灘,都在他的創作中都佔有一席之地,而James 也從他熱愛的這些地方汲取靈感,再轉變為一幅幅動人的作品。

說到 James 最喜歡的地方那就不得不提到台南六甲,也是他和他的妻子經常到訪的地方。當地充足的陽光,風和日麗的景象,造就獨具一格的光影變化也為他的畫作帶來深刻的影響,這也是為什麼那麼多藝術家將台南作為靈感繆思的原因。 除了自然風光外James 也非常喜歡畫他的家人,尤其在假期相聚時的熱鬧與溫馨,對他來說更是重要的時光。

在台灣生活了 22 年,對 James來說臺灣就如同家一般, 這也能從他的藝術裡感受到對臺灣的熱愛,和畫面中的真情流露。

James is truly delighted to be participating in Art Tainan, 2023. Tainan holds a special place in his heart, as James’ wife’s family resides in this magical place.

Most of James’ paintings interpret his feelings toward the areas he finds special in Taiwan. From the alleyways of Banciao, to the busy streets of Taipei, James elicits inspiration from the places he loves. Muzha and Fulong beach also figure prominently in his art.

Liujia, in Tainan County, appears noticeably in James’ works as well. He and his wife visit there often. The beauty of the countryside influences many of his acrylic pieces. The lighting of the area is brilliantly luminous and gorgeous. Of course, that is why so many artists find Tainan to be their muse. James is also very fond of painting his family, especially when gathered for the holidays. Tainan city is also featured in this exhibition. The unique hustle and bustle of Tainan’s streets provide him with wonderful moments to capture, as people dart from here to there; most likely in search of delicious food.

Having lived in Taiwan for twenty-two years, James considers this outstanding island to be home. His paintings are meant to reflect the special feelings he’s had while spending time in the places he adores.
They are not meant to be realistic, but are intended to capture glimpses of the affection he has for Taiwan. His goal is to share these distinct and magnificent feelings with the viewer.