
大雋藝術 Rich Art:【2017 威尼斯雙年展 蔡尉成|西遊・嬉遊 VIP預展花絮】


Palazzo Mora宮於2015年威尼斯雙年展中,

展覽日期:2017/5/13 - 11/26 (5/11 - 12預覽)
展覽時間:10:00 - 18:00,週二公休
展覽地點:莫拉宮 Palazzo Mora / A區

大雋藝術很榮幸受GAA邀請參與策劃2017年威尼斯雙年展,特別推薦並邀請蔡尉成參加2017威尼斯雙年展,對首次參與世界三大展覽之一,且是最負盛名的義大利威尼斯雙年展,蔡尉成以作品「鐵金剛-穿上勇氣 你也能所向無敵」來為首次踏上藝術重鎮鼓舞自己及為理想付諸行動的人。此次展覽「西遊・嬉遊」由策展人 徐婉禎博士論述,將蔡尉成作品裡輕快、淺顯及詼諧,卻深刻傳達東方悠遠歷史以來的宇宙觀及人生觀思想遞予西方,來呼應GAA一直以「時間・空間・存在」這個主題,喚醒世人對環境與人的關係有進一步討論及思考。

全球藝術事務基金會Global Art Affairs Foundation:全球藝術事務基金會(GAA Foundation)是一個登記在荷蘭,完全由藝術家發起並組織的非營利機構。GAA的宗旨是提昇世人對藝術及藝術相關事務的覺醒及暸解,透過藝術、建築及文化的各類主題,從哲學的角度,更深入的去探討這些主題。從2005年開始,GAA一直以【時間、空間、存在】這個主題,邀請世界各地的藝術家、建築師及文化界人士來思考這一主題。

GAA每年透過其旗下的歐洲文化中心在威尼斯雙年展期間参與組織藝術或建築的雙年展。目前,GAA在威尼斯有四個雙年展的官方展場:Palazzo Mora, Palazzo Bembo, Palazzo Michiel 以及 Palazzo Rossini。本次蔡尉成作品將於展場Palazzo Mora展出,歡迎各位嘉賓蒞臨現場參觀。

La Biennale di Venezia 2017 |Tsai Wei - Cheng
Divertimento for Journey to the West

The number of visitors at Palazzo Mora Palace for 2015 LA Biennale di Venezia was 300. 000 people

Date :May 13 2017 - Nov 26 (Preview 11 - 12 May)
Open: 10:00 - 18:00,Closed on Tuesdays
Venue:Palazzo Mora / Space A
Organizer: European Cultural Centre
Co-organizer:Rich Art

Rich Art is greatly honored to be invited to participate in the exhibition organized and planned by GAA during Venice Biennale 2017.They are especially pleased to invite Tsai-Wei-Cheng to attend the exhibition, which is one of the three major exhibitions in the word and it's also the most prestigious Venice Exhibition.Tsai Wei-Cheng will bring his artwork 『Iron King Kong- Wearing the courage ,you can be invincible.』 the first time he sets foot in the city which encourages people to take action to pursue their ideals.The exhibition is named "Journey to the West " curated by the curator Dr. Woan-Jen Hsu, She conveys Tsai Wei-Cheng’s works in a brisk, easy to understand and a humorous way.

She profoundly conveys the ancient history of the universe from the cosmological side and outlook on life to the West., in accordance to GAA's theme "time, space, existence" which is meant to evoke the relationship between the environment and people and inspire further discussion and thinking.Global Art Affairs Foundation: The GAA Foundation is a nonprofit organization that is registered and organized entirely by artists in the Netherlands.

The aim of GAA is to enhance the world's awakening, the understanding of art ,and art related matters. To explore these topics more deeply from a philosophical perspective through the various themes of art, architecture and culture. The foundation was started in 2005,GAA has been using the subject of time, space, existence to invite artists, architects and people from all over the world to contemplate it.

GAA annually participates in organizing Art and Architecture biennales through its European Cultural Center during the Venice Biennale period. At present, GAA has four official exhibitions in Venice: Palazzo Mora, Palazzo Bembo, Palazzo Michiel and Palazzo Rossini. This time,Tsai wei-cheng’s exhibition will be held at the Palazzo Mora.We welcome you to visit the exhibition.