


一、招募說明 General Statement

The Freedom Men Art Apartments is an experimental exhibition space which aim to develop contemporary arts and young artists in Taiwan, and also accept applications for Artist-in-Residency and workshops. Established in 2012 and proceeding to the third years, in order to fulfill business objectives of the space, we not only support young artists but also provide extended professional services, for example: merchandises making, artist catalogues editing and photographing and consultancy of exhibition applications. We begin to recruit the first edition members as from today, the main target we want is young student artist. One person as a unit in a year, admission fee is NTD 1200 per month (quarter payment). The member can use any executive resources and unoccupied spaces in art apartment, also can hold an art exhibition or take part in art expositions in the name of the Freedommen art apartments and participate annual conferences and exhibition affairs of art apartments. Freedom Men group hope young artists can encourage each other, devote all his/her talents and collaborate together interdisciplinary cooperation network.

二、徵件時間 Deadline
From now on by 31/10/2014 (Fri.) (postmarke as proof)

三、送件方式 Delivery
Send by register or bring in person to Freedom Men Art Apartments.

四、評審方式 Jury regulation
Members of the Freedom Men art apartments will select the first edition of student members (only 10 students will be selected) and we won’t arrange any interview.

五、繳交資料 Submission
(1) 書面申請表(含個人簡歷、創作資料、個人近年規劃)一式三份。
Listed applications ( including CV, Artworks details and Personnel future plans) (applications must be made out in triplicate.)

(2) 20頁以內之個人簡介PowerPoint 簡報 (.ppt)檔。(如有影音檔案請附AVI或WMV檔,時間長度以5分鐘為限)連同申請書電子檔,燒錄DVD光碟。
Under 20 pages of Personnel Profile PPT (If there have video, please transfers the file into
(Notice: we won’t give back all files that you provided.)

六、徵選條件 Eligibility
There is no national boundary, age limit, gender different and art types limit. We welcome any kinds of creator to join in !

七、會員可享以下福利:Benefits of members
Having right to use all executive resources in art apartments (ex. Application of an allowance of creative exhibition in public sector.)
Having right to use unoccupied spaces in art apartment.
Holding an art exhibition in the name of the Freedom Men art apartments.
(4)有條件與自由人一同參加Young Art或亞洲各地藝術博覽會。
Having opportunity to join in Young Art or any art exhibition around Asia with Freedom Men group
Help student-artist member to match art & business cooperation opportunities.

八、聯絡方式 Contact
電話Phone number : 0987-444-957
電郵E-mail: freedommenart@gmail.com
Adress : No.594, Wuquan Rd., North Dist., Taichung City 404, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
開放時間:周三至周日 下午1:00~9:00
Opening time : Wed. to Sun. 13:00~21:00
聯絡人:曾小姐 Miss Tseng







聯絡人:曾小姐 0987-444-957



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