

【小鹿圖陳曉朋個展 】Xiaolu Tu: Shiau-Peng Chen Solo Exhibition

  • 展期

    日期:2020-08-14 ~ 2020-08-12

  • 地點

    台北國際藝術村 — 藝術家書籍文獻庫 台北市中正區北平東路 7 號 2B-4 室

  • 參展藝術家


  • (For English, please scroll down)

    《小鹿圖》陳曉朋 個展
    Xiaolu Tu: Shiau-Peng Chen Solo Exhibition

    ▎《小鹿圖》陳曉朋 個展|#展覽資訊
    展期|2020.8.14 - 2020.9.12
    地點|台北國際藝術村 — 藝術家書籍文獻庫
    (台北市中正區北平東路 7 號 2B-4 室 )
    開放時間|週五 14:00 - 18:00;週六 10:00 - 14:00
    ※ 因空間性質故無開幕會,敬請於開放時間內提前私訊 PAPER MATTER|Artists' books Atelier 專頁預約蒞臨,抑或報名參與「專場導覽」的場次及其他座談與講座,活動結束後亦將開放上樓參觀展覽。





    ▎《小鹿圖》陳曉朋 個展|延伸章節
    ❍ 第一章:〈#專場導覽 〉
    ※ 專場導覽預約表:https://reurl.cc/E7klOR

    ❍ 第二章:〈#藝術座談 〉
    時間: 8.30(日)14:00 - 16:00
    與談: 藝術家 陳曉朋
    哲學學者 百了一(Jacques Han)/巴黎一大 哲學博士(專長:柏拉圖哲學)

    引言:蔡胤勤/藝術家書籍文獻庫 總監暨策展人
    ※ 藝術座談報名表:預計於前兩週宣傳發布

    ❍ 第三章:〈#閉幕講座 〉
    時間:9.13(日)15:00 - 17:00
    講者:蔡胤勤/藝術家書籍文獻庫 總監暨策展人
    ※ 閉幕講座報名表:預計於前兩週宣傳發布

    Exhibition Dates | 2020.8.14 - 2020.9.12
    Venue | Artists' Books Archive, Rm. 2B-4, 2F., No. 7, Beiping E. Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 100, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
    Open|Fri. 14:00 - 17:30;Sat. 10:30 - 14:00 *Reservation

    Artist’s Statement
    Shiau-Peng Chen

    As with the titles of my previous solo exhibitions, this solo exhibition Xiaolu Tu (小鹿圖), or Fawn Diagram, embodies a double (multiple) entendre in its various Chinese homophones. The deer is a symbol of idealism in both Eastern and Western cultures, and its “fawn” (小鹿), xiaolu, imparts a connotation of newness and a state of playfulness, as do “dewdrops at dawn” (曉露), xiaolu. I have chosen this title to represent these artist’s books that are typically not regarded as main creative work, but are of key inspirational relevance and intimately connected to my creative contemplation. Undertaking the creation of these artist’s books has been akin to traveling down an ostensibly long and narrow “trail” (小路), xiaolu, that ultimately leads to an expansive destination.

    Four forms of artist’s books will be presented in Xiaolu Tu, including books of sketches (collection), exhibition catalogs (art book), textual books (anthology), and artist’s books. For this exhibition, I have created an eponymous artist’s book, Xiaolu Tu, which is conceptually similar to a guidebook. As an artist’s book about the artist’s books that I have created, it has connotations of a book within a book. The content of the book Xiaolu Tu includes a preface (artist’s statement), two literary reviews (art critiques), and a journal of creative contemplations on the exhibited books (artworks). The book Xiaolu Tu is simultaneously a guidebook for the current exhibition, and for previous books.

    The Xiaolu Tu solo exhibition will be held at the Artists Books Archive (Taipei). The Archive’s collection provides an extended reading of books related to the content of my book, as well as of books created by artists I’ve been influenced by. It is both a white box, and not a white box; it transcends a white box as an ideal space where the exhibition content and imagination can be expanded. The Artists Books Archive functions conceptually as both a library and a museum that -- like the above mentioned book/artwork, guidebook/artist’s book, preface/artist’s statement; literary review/art critiques, etc. -- embodies a “Duchamp’s older and younger sister” state of duality, which is an aspect of creating an artist’s book that I find intriguing and thought provoking.



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