


  • 展期

    日期:2020-07-23 ~ 2020-11-08

  • 地點

    臺南市中西區忠義路二段 1 號

  • 參展藝術家


  • 向眾神致敬—宮廟藝術展

    Paying Tribute to Gods: The Art of Folk Belief
    109.07.23 (Thu.) ~ 109.11.08 (Sun.)
    Venue: Tainan Art Museum Building 2, Gallery A-D, Tainan Art Museum Building 1, Gallery I


    Around the seventeenth century, a large number of Han Chinese people began settling in Taiwan due to relaxation in the Ming Dynasty’s sea ban policy, people engaging in maritime trade, and European maritime powers such as Portugal, Spain, and the Netherlands establishing their presence in Taiwan. At the same time, this wave of immigrants brought the folk religion of Fujian and Guangdong to Taiwan, where a new folk religion gradually grew out of the fusion of Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, and local religions, one whose origins and system of “dividing incense” were manifold in the extreme. Temple culture thrived in Tainan since the city was the administrative center in Taiwan’s early history and had a concentrated population. Even today, temple culture is more robust here than anywhere else in Taiwan.
    Even though temples are places of religious worship, they have become the center of the community and served economic, cultural, social, and administrative functions with the passage of time. Through history and innovation, the architecture and decoration of temples visually convey the values hidden in Taiwan’s folk religion, namely to promote goodwill amongst people and to teach morals. Therefore, this exhibition is focused on the visual art forms that have developed due to temples, and aims to discuss how the art of folk religion has engaged in an endless dialogue in order to innovate in response to changes in Taiwan's society and culture as the course of history runs from the traditional to the contemporary.



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