

【森山大道 Moriyama DaidoPolaroid】

  • 展期

    日期:2020-09-01 ~ 2020-10-10

  • 地點


  • 參展藝術家


  • 線上展廳|www.eachmodern.com/viewing-room/

    Each Modern 亞紀畫廊很榮幸展出線上展覽「森山大道:Polaroid」 ,展出這位日本攝影大師的寶麗來作品。就在寶麗來於2008年停產之際,森山大道使用寶麗來拍攝了「bye-bye polaroid」系列,以寶麗來獨特的色彩捕捉了藝術家眼中所見的獨特城市樣貌、懷舊氛圍、圖像、符號、甚至是自己的影子。
    身為最後的戰後攝影家之一,森山大道的攝影不斷地重新定義影像的構成。寶麗來曾在大眾歷史中風靡,卻在2008年停產,這也使時常使用寶麗來的森山大道決定用寶麗來創作「bye-bye polaroid」,藉此向這樣一個經典的媒材告別。而2020年,我們將重新看見森山大道用來探索日本都市景色的寶麗來照片。
    與線上展覽「森山大道:Polaroid」相呼應的是在亞紀畫廊所展出的「森山大道:Pop Noir」,該展展出了森山大道經典畫面的畫布絹印,也是這位「挑釁」攝影家所詮釋的普普藝術。藉由這兩檔展覽,我們將能更全貌地觀看森山大道的攝影實踐:不斷突破,並挑戰攝影極限。
    ▍Moriyama Daido: Polaroid⠀▍⠀⠀⠀
    September 1 – October 10, 2020
    Each Modern Online Viewing Room

    Each Modern is pleased to present “Moriyama Daido: Polaroid,” an online exhibition that reintroduces the polaroid works by key figure of Japanese contemporary photography Moriyama Daido. Through the intimate exposures of this classic medium, we see a splintered piece of Moriyama’s cityscape in nostalgic tones, transforming object, image, sign, and even self, into a photograph.
    Polaroids send us down an altogether different path in Moriyama’s oeuvre, one where each photograph exists as an artifact, a trace in his journey through the urban jungle. Lost personal effects, hostess bar street signs, and a tapestry of city-textures are recorded and indexed, like evidence in an investigation. With “Moriyama Daido: Polaroid,” a new exhibition in Each Modern’s online viewing room, the meandering views of Moriyama’s central subject, the city, come together like pieces in an incomplete puzzle.
    One of the last living post-war masters of photography, Moriyama Daido’s practice seeks to question and redefine the premise of the photographed image. In 2008, Polaroid ceased manufacturing its once-ubiquitous instant film. As an homage to this iconic medium, which the artist has used relentlessly, Moriyama created “bye-bye polaroid,” a final send-off to this format. Now in 2020, we reencounter this intimate and instantaneous popular medium of photography. In these color Polaroids, Moriyama explores fragmented urban spaces of his native Japan.
    “Moriyama Daido: Polaroid” is a companion exhibition to “Pop Noir” Each Modern’s concurrent gallery exhibition of Moriyama’s silkscreen on canvas prints that present the Provoke member's Pop Art inflected images in the textures of paint on canvas. Together, both exhibitions complement each other in presenting the multifaceted praxis of an artist ceaselessly interested in exploring and pushing the limits of photography.



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