

【時空膠囊—vr攝影計畫 Time Capsule-VR Photography Project 】

  • 展期

    日期:2020-09-19 ~ 2020-11-20

  • 地點

    111 台北市士林區中山北路六段431-1號B1

  • 參展藝術家


  • 概念美術館 Vol. 6│《時空膠囊—VR攝影計畫》Time Capsule - VR Photography Project
    展期 Duration:2020/9/19 - 2020/11/20
    開幕 Opening:2020/9/19 15:00
    地點 Venue:台灣數位藝術中心 Digital Art Center, Taiwan
    地址 Address:111 台北市士林區中山北路六段431-1號B1
    B1, No.431-1, Sec. 6, Zhongshan N. Rd., Shilin Dist., Taipei City
    預約 Ticket:Free admission, online reservation 無入場費、線上預約 http://booking.dac.tw

    ◆ 展覽介紹 Exhibition Introduction
    ● 藝術家 Artist:全明遠 Chuan Ming-Yuan
    ● 器材協力 Sponsored by:HP 惠普科技股份有限公司
    ● 特別感謝 Special Thanks:Funique VR Studio、國家文化藝術基金會 National Culture and Arts Foundation
    五年前,我開始了「時空膠囊—VR攝影計畫」,紀錄著生活周圍小人物的故事,一些我覺得看似日常、看似普通,卻值得被保留下來的故事。本次展出的內容,只是過去所紀錄的一小部分而已。這次特別選出以「群眾」為主軸的作品。我很喜歡 same same but different 這句話,意思是「我們雖然都很像,卻不盡相同」。但也能倒過來說,我們雖然不一樣——可能是年齡、背景、信仰的不同——但其實,我們都是一樣的。這次挑選的作品,正有這個意義。
    I firmly believe that the actual audience for Time Capsule: A VR Photography Project exists in the future, a hundred years from now.
    I have always found the concept of time capsule to be very romantic. It is a way to converse with humans from the future, and it can also be a thought experiment to review the present. If we could all reflect on our present actions from a macroscopic, far-away future point of view, what would the world look like? Would we argue over trivial matters? What would we change? What would we cherish more? Five years ago, I started Time Capsule: A VR Photography Project, keeping record of stories of people in the streets, stories of everyday life that seemed ordinary yet worth preserving.
    This exhibition contains only a small part from all these records. The selected pieces share a theme: the mass. I appreciate the English saying “same same but different”, meaning that we are all alike yet different. When reversed, it can mean that, although we are all different (for example in age, background, religion, etc.), we can also be alike. My selection aims to convey this meaning. This exhibition is not the end of this project but its beginning. Through this exhibition, I wish to encounter like-minded people to continue this project together, and hope to bring a further, more complete version of the work to the audience.

    ● 關於全明遠 Chuan Ming-Yuan
    出身動畫與電影視覺特效創作,曾在 Grass Jelly Studio 仙草影像擔任 VFX 視覺效果總監,完成許多經典MV。現任 Funique VR Studio 總監,專精於 VR 攝影技術與後期製流程,以頂尖技術推進 VR 敘事的可能。近年作品榮獲日舞、威尼斯、翠貝卡等國際影展肯定。
    CHUAN Ming-Yuan, VR Supervisor of Funique VR Studio, an experienced VR creator specialized in VR cinematography and post-production with a solid filmmaking and visual effects background. He produced many renowned music videos when he was the VFX Supervisor in Grass Jelly Studio. His recent works are screened in several international film festivals including Sundance, Venice, and Tribeca film festival.
    ● 關於「概念美術館」About Concept Museum of Arts
    The Concept Museum of Art focuses on “the authenticity of works in the context of history.” Grounded on the thinking of networks as well as display and kinetic technologies, the Concept Museum of Art attempts to supplement the insufficiency of analogue fashion of material collections through the historical framework under cultural stratification to create a new experience of digital narrative.

    ● 看展注意事項 Notes
    .單次預約區段為 30 分鐘,限一人。
    .一人建議觀看時間為 20 分鐘。
    .考量到 VR 對於視覺的刺激,不建議 13 歲以下孩童觀賞。
    .30-minute as one booking duration, 1 person only.
    .20 minutes viewing time for 1 person is recommended
    .Visiting the venue with the official reminder email is recommended.
    .Your reservation will be cancelled in the situation of not entering the venue within 10 minutes of the reserved time.
    .If you experience dizziness or any discomfort during the experience, please take off the head-mounted device immediately, and inform onsite staff for assistance.
    .VR screenings are not recommended for children under the age of 13 as their eyesight may still be developing.
    .If you have experienced or may experience nausea or any epileptic symptom, please be mindful.



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